Pilatus ImageViewer (PilView)

The Pilatus image viewer, in short PilView, is a small Scilab program to view and edit file series obtained with the CHESS Pilatus 100k detector. Currently only the vertical mode is supported, with the long axis of the detector vertical.

Scilab installation

Scilab can be downloaded for free from www.scilab.org. The program needs the current stable version  5.3.3. I run Scilab under Windows 7 in 64-bit mode on a dual core processor (2.9 GHz). The program will also run on smaller computers including my EEE PC netbook under XP, but naturally at slower speed.

Running PilView

Scilab 5.3.3. has a little glitch in that it does not set the default directory automatically when you click the PilView icon. Go to the Console and use File>ChangeCurrentDirectory to the directory where PilView.sce is kept on your computer. In this directory also the subroutines *.sci are kept that the program needs. Load PilView in the editor (this happens automatically if you doubleclick the PilView icon) and execute the program using Ctrl-Shift-E. The "Pilatus ImageViewer" window should appear.

The program window is made for a large terminal, so for use on a netbook the size should be reset. If you feel inclined to hack the code, please copy it to a different folder, so that the general user version is left on the dropbox - this way I can work on erors, and everybody get the benefit of the fix.

Now to the program feature: Before you load a "new" file series to watch the movie, make your choices:

Crank Away!