This zip archive,, contains a trivial demonstration of the use of the keywords Beginning and Ending in a .SSC file. The file moonmaps.ssc defines 5 different moons, moon1 through moon5, which replace one another on the 9th of October, 2000. Moon #1 exists from the beginning of time. It is replaced by Moon #2 through Moon #5 at intervals of 1/10 Julian day. Moon #5 then exists until the end of time. Moon #1 is brown, Moon #2 is red, ... moon #5 is green. Put moonmaps.ssc into the directory extras Put the surface color maps (moon1.jpg through moon5.jpg) into the medres subdirectory, which is in the textures directory. If you restore this archive into your Celestias directory, the files should go into the correct directories automatically. To observe this body replacement, you can use the "Time" menu to go to an appropriate date and time, or you can add the following text to the file favorites.cel in your Celestias directory and select "moon1" using the Locations menu. "moon1" { isFolder false parentFolder "" base [ 0.003276999663102548 -5.253873339800026e-009 -4.535882071248178e-006 ] offset [ 7.60144985151312e-014 3.252606517456513e-019 -1.022944749740073e-016 ] axis [ -0.0120738 0.979327 -0.201925 ] angle 3.0246 time 2451827.164652694 selection "#0/Earth/moon1" coordsys "ecliptical" } Selden ====== 6-Nov-2002