Kurt Gottfried & Tung-Mow Yan



Quantum Mechanics: Fundamentals, by Kurt Gottfried and Tung-Mow Yan, 2nd edition (2003), Springer Verlag, ISBN 0-387-95576-3.





We thank all the readers who have sent us errata, which are complete as of June 2016. Here “complete” means errata that are substantial and not trivial typos or simple grammatical mistakes, which unfortunately are all too common. However, we have collected all the corrections to these trivial typos at the end of the errata page. This is in sharp contrast with the 1st, 1966, edition, which was copy-edited, a service that publishers no longer provide. Some of these errata have been corrected in the soft cover 2004 edition.


We often flag errata by N.M, where N stands for page number and M for decimal fraction from the top of the page.



Chapter 2


29    Eq. 4; replace u by u*


37   Eq. 70; in integrand


56   Eq. 174; RHS should read


57   Eq. 177; in exponent 


57   Eq. 184; in last integral


59   Eqs. 201 & 202; LHS, 


79   Eq. 326; in central expression subscript i on V


85   Eq. 361; replace  with  on LHS.


87   Eq. 373; replace  with  on LHS.


93   Eq. 414; after first double commutator should be  


102 Caption to Fig. 2.5. Vertical and horizontal axes are resp.


109 Prob. 1; inequality should be


110 Prob. 10, minus sign on RHS


112 We were unaware of the important paper by Lowell S. Brown, “The Classical Limit and the WKB Approximation,” Am. J. Phys. 40, 371 (1972)



Chapter 3


113  Above Eq. 1; replace 2.5(c) with 2.5(d).


115  Above Eq. 19; replace 2.5(c) with 2.5(d).


116  Eq. 24; on RHS


119  Eq. 44 Replace  By


123  Below Eq. 74; replace 2.5(c) with 2.5(d).


124  Eq. 81;


130  Eq. 112; RHS 


130  Remove footnote 2 (there is nothing in the appendix about the radial functions)


137  Eq. 166;


140  Above Eq. 183:  


141  Eq. 186: replace  in first and third LHS by  respectively


144  Eq. 214;


145  Four lines below Eq. 218:


151  Above Eq. 258: 


154.1  splittings vanish


155   Eq. 276; replace Δ with 0.



Chapter 4


166  Eq. 4; 


169  Eq. 16; RHS 


170  Eq. 18; in RHS


175  Eq. 70; RHS is missing overall minus sign


184  Very last expression should read … 2.2(e)


196  Above Eq. 228; replace 4.2(c) with 4.2(d).


229  Problem 12, replace  by  in integral.




Chapter 5


238  Eq. 21; should read length: ….  


246  Eq. 84: in RHS remove overall minus sign


253.2 remove minus sign in argument of second


253  Eqs. 120 & 123: remove  on LHS;


253  Eq. 123; RHS is expectation value,  


263.4  RHS of 1st Eq. is  Ry


263.5  charge density , and in following equation



Chapter 6


270.1        For any antisymmetric … of the form (4) …


270  Eq. 8, LHS; argument of Y is (r)


272  in last line should read 3.7(e)





Chapter 7


318  Line below Eq. 220:


323  Two lines above Eq. 250; replace ‘Clebsch-Gordon’ with ‘Clebsch Gordan’.


325  In 1st 3-j symbols in 1st line of Eq. 260,  should not be primed



Chapter 8


338  1st line should read … from comparing (4) & (5) with (2):


339  Above Eq. 22; Replace ‘Sterling’s formula’ with ‘Stirling’s formula’.


350   Integrand in Eq. 99 should read


359  Eq. 156: first factor on RHS should be , where  is     

Planck’s constant divided by .


394  Eq. 358:  fraction in first term should be  



Chapter 9


418  In line below Eq. 95, should read  … 8.2(d)



Chapter 10


443  Eqs. 40 – 43, exponential should all be


445  Last paragraph should read ‘the spin only has a component along the direction of motion’ rather than ‘the spin has no component…’.


446  Eq. 59; same error as on p. 443


449  Eq. 72; RHS missing minus sign


450  Eq. 77; same arror as on p. 443


459.7  does not hold for … 


471  Eq. 191:  complex conjugate second


486.5  multipole of  … transition connecting


501  last line should  read M.S. Zubairy, and be corrected in Index




Chapter 11


505.8  the statement that all integer spin particles …


506  In footnote delete “and by Jordan and Klein”


509  Below Eq. 25; Replace ‘commutation rule (14)’ with ‘commutation rule (20)’.


513  Eq. 53; replace  with




Chapter 12


547.7  Line starting with “projection” should read “1 along


547  Above Eq. 17; Replace (5) with (15).


549, 550  Eqs. 26-28; reverse order of arguments for , e.g. replace  with .


564  Remove second sentence from footnote, starting with ‘Fig. 12.2’.


569  Fig. 12.6, in line above LH plot, should read


571.5  3 lines below Eq. 111, should read Fig. 12.7


574.8  In Prob. 3, above equation, should read



Chapter 13


586  Eq. 64; remove  inside (…)


595  Eq. 144; plus sign before 


597  line above Eq. 155, should read “along  the  z – axis”





613  Replace Green’’s with Green’s.


614  Replace Kramer’s with Kramers.


620  Replace Zubarry with Zubairy.



Grammatical Errors & Trivial Typos


39    Replace ‘thought’ with ‘though’ in paragraph directly below 2.2 heading.


49    Remove word ‘the’ in line above Eq. 128.


57    Remove word ‘the’ in line above Eq. 182.


83    Replace ‘transformation’ with ‘transformations’ four lines above Eq. 350.


118  Remove second ‘the’ on third line to read ‘All the spherical harmonics…’.


123  Remove ‘the’ five lines below Eq. 75.


159  Remove second ‘integral’ beneath Eq. 307.


173  Remove second ‘the’ beneath Eq. 53.


182  Replace ‘a’ with ‘an’ five lines beneath Eq. 131.


203  Replace with ‘The Green’s function…’ three lines above Eq. 271.


213  Replace ‘correspond’ with ‘corresponds’ two lines below Eq. 317.


214  Replace ‘transients’ with ‘transient’ in item 2.


216  Replace ‘measure’ with ‘measured’ in second paragraph.


224  Replace ‘then’ with ‘than’ above Eq. 373.


228  In Problem 1, replace ‘for which is goes through as is’ with ‘for which it goes through as is’.


265  Problem 12 (a): Insert ‘be’ in ‘… states can be found by diagonalizing’.


271  Replace ‘a’ with ‘an’ in ‘For example, if the interaction is an attractive potential…’ in the second paragraph.


292  Below Eq. 56; replace ‘Kramer’s theorem’ with ‘the Kramers degeneracy theorem’.


322  Replace ‘an’ with ‘and’ below Eq. 241 to read ‘… tensor operators of both higher and lower rank.’


354  Add ‘s’ to ‘appears’ in ‘The eigenvalue continuum also appears…’ in final paragraph of 8.2(c).


354  Remove second ‘in’ in ‘This is evident in in the case…’ in same paragraph.


424  Add ‘is’ in ‘… in 8.7 we learned that this is a relatively straightforward problem’ in paragraph above 9.3.


440  Replace ‘chose’ with ‘chosen’ below Eq. 16.


448  Add ‘s’ in ‘results’, last paragraph before (d).


464  Above Eq. 149, add ‘the’ to ‘… is the sum over all states…’


474  Below Eq. 214, replace ‘correlations’ with ‘correlation’.


497  Replace ‘faster that…’ with ‘faster than…’ in Problem 7.


540  Remove second ‘can’ in first sentence of final paragraph.


541  Replace ‘not’ with ‘nor’ in footnote 1: ‘… nor do the ’.


547  Replace . with · (full stop with dot) above Eq. 17.


560  Below Eq. 74; remove first ‘at’ (should be ‘… the incident packet arrives at …’.


565  At start of second paragraph, replace ‘conclusion’ with ‘conclusions’.


573  Above Eq. 119; add ‘is’ so that it reads ‘If this is indeed so…’.


578  In penultimate paragraph on the page, remove ‘a’ from sentence to read ‘… he assigned the negative energy solutions to positive energy states…’.


581  Below Eq. 20; add ‘be’ so that it reads ‘… if space reflection is to be represented…’.


585  Replace ‘they’ with ‘the’ between Eqs. 57 and 58, to read ‘… they could be described by just one of the two Weyl spinors’.


607  Fix alignment for value of electron Compton wavelength.