International Linear Collider at Cornell University
The Cornell Accelerator Physics group and Particle Physics group intend to play major roles in the design, construction, and operation of the International Linear Collider. The specific areas where Cornell's expertise has already played and will continue to play a major role in the linear collider are damping rings, tracking simulation, RF cavities, detectors, and accelerator operation.
ILC collaborators around the world are working quickly towards a Reference Design Report at the end of 2006. A portion of this work is being organized on customizable Wiki-pages hosted at Cornell's Laboratory of Elementary Particle Physics. These pages can be found at the Cornell ILC Wiki Home, or individually below:
ILC Detector World-Wide Study
The World Wide Study Organizing Committee (WWSOC) has established the Detector R&D Panel to promote and coordinate detector R&D for the International Linear Collider.
Cornell ILC Detector Work
High energy physicists at Cornell are active in the effort to develop ILC Detector hardware. Present work is focused on Time Proportional Chamber (TPC) development.
Cornell ILC Accelerator Work
Physicists at Cornell are involved in a range of ILC activities. These include: damping ring studies, low emittance transport, development of an undulator-based positron source, and Superconducting RF development.
CESR as an ILC Damping Ring Test Facility
Accelerator physicists at Cornell are currently in the process of preparing a proposal to operate CESR as an ILC damping ring test facility at the end of scheduled HEP operation in early 2008.
Global ILC Damping Rings Area System
The ILC Global Design Effort is divided into 6 Area Systems. The Damping Ring Area System is led by Jie Gao, Susanna Guiducci, Andy Wolski and Mike Zisman.
ILC-America's Homepage
The ILC Global Design Effort is divided into 3 regions: American, European, and Asian. The ILC-Americas Region is led by Cornell's Prof. Gerry Dugan.