---------------------notes on 12july02 meeting------------------------

---------------------ODR/Transition radiation-------------------------
Interest is in single slit to measure ODR and DR and TR by closing slit.

Incoherent diffraction rad
	   also considering double slit for direct measurement
	   of emittance (csorna)
	   looking at angular dist to
	   measure xverse size (xverse size spec is still needed).
	   Applicable under 5GeV (above this level, it's possible that
	   the distribution angle gets too small).
	   This is a single shot measurement (on single bunch).

	   There are concerns with wakefields created by doing 
	   this measurement.

coherent diffraction rad
	   measure longitudinal
	   looking at frequency distribution.
	   applicable at all energies
	   Estimated 10um resolution (meets 1/10th bunch size 

	   concerns with wakefields.

Steve suggests that Vanderbilt should reproduce or borrow/help-develop 
the  planned NIU detector.

---------------------NIU transition rad------------------------------

Discussed coherent part in meeting, but proposal also discusses
monitoring diffraction and synchrotron.

Plan to build a multichannel far IR interferometer to do single bunch
measurements (single shot).  What are the specs on "live time window"
or minimum bunch spacing that this can handle.  Mirage detectors might
replace the existing detectors (some of us don't know what mirage
detectors are).


Vanderbilt, NIU

Needs some way to meet the nominal 10um resolution goal.

Wakefields may be an issue.

NIU proposes to build a low imedepance vac. chamber to house the EO xtal.

Vanderbilt proposes a better detection scheme in which they use an
external polarizer as an analyzer, allowing them to measure zero
output for zero beam.

beam measurements would be made both at fermilab and Vanderbilt.

Court said he would start with existing laser, but that pulses are too
long/monochromatic to meet resolution goal.

Bill will look into whether existing Vanderbilt TiS lasers can be
upgraded to meet resolution goal of 100um (330fs).

----------------------Laser Wires-------------------------------------

Hartill and JAE expressed interest, but the general conclusion was
that there are not currently enough people/resources to compete with
existing efforts.  However, we will keep this option open for the

-----------------------other ideas discussed--------------------------

beam halo monitoring

firing particle beams (i.e. laser wire w/ electrons instead of laser).

Don Talked about using the ions produced by residual gas and detecting
them using a microchannel plate.

----------------measurement of x-ray synch rad directly----------------

x-ray Synchrotron radiation measurement directly.  Focusing with
Fresnel zone plate or glancing optics and imaging with a ccd.  Could
this measure a single bunch (i.e. can you gate on a single bunch
(though you should have plenty of flux)).  Do we need any specialized
technology to gate in this time window.

Exists an effort on this by someone at Tokyo (reported by H. Hayano at
LC02).  see www.slac-conf.stanford.edu/lc02/wg1/WG1_Hayano_H.pdf
Both Jim Alexander and Jesse Ernst expressed interest in looking
into this technique


Longitudinal res needs to be specified in terms of the 110um bunch
length of the NLC.
