Bridget Meeds
Wilson Laboratory's Poet in Residence
From March 27 to April 21, 2000, a poet Bridget Meeds spent two hours every
morning of the business week in Wilson Laboratory mingling with physicists
and other laboratory employees. She took notes, wrote poems, and
presented a "Poetry for Physicists" workshop where participants were invited
to join in writing poetry. Bridget will produce a chapbook of poems based
on her residency and she will read her poems and describe her experiences in
a reading-lecture session in the Ithaca community. More information on
Bridget and her Poet in Residence experience can be found at:
News Articles:
Radio Interviews (Require RealPlayer):
CBC Interview: Mary Lou Finlay Of Canadian Broadcasting Corporation's
As It Happens interviewed Bridget Meeds on April 4, 2000 (This
interview is about 20 min into the program.)
NPR Interview:
Robert Siegel of National Public Radio's All Things Considered
interviewed Bridget Meeds on April 7, 2000 (This interview is the first in
the program.)