SAXProf- updated 02/04/18 - questions: please contact Richard Gillilan
Edit parameters Sphere: Energy 10.0 keV Flux 1.00E+12 ph/s Exposure 1.00 s Concentration 4.00 mg/ml
Energy: keV
Flux: photons/s
Sample-detector distance: cm
Exposure time: s
Cylinder h/r
Molecular Weight:kDa
Concentration: mg/ml
Pure Water
NaCl (mM): mM
Glycerol (%v/v) %
Sucrose (%v/v) %

Scattering Profile
Guinier Analysis
Kratky Plot
Simulation parameters and results:
SizeRadius = 16.15 Å
Concentrantion4.00 mg/ml
Molecular weight14.30 kDa
Sim. Rg (with noise)13.12 Å

Notes: Profiles are most accurate between 1.5 keV and 20 keV. This example mimics CHESS G1 station when using 25 um mica windows with sample path 1.5 mm. Calculations can be slow for large detectors. Beam is centered on the lower detector edge. Quantum efficiency corresponds to 320 um silicon sensor thickness. Buffer settings are ignored at the moment. The buffer model (0.15M NaCl in water) currently limits calculations to q < 0.8A. RNA and DNA settings are also ignored in this implementation. "Sim. Rg. (with noise)" is based on qmax*Rg = 1.3.

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