module plot_twiss_data_mod use quick_plot use bmad interface subroutine qp_read_twiss_data (unit, err_flag, z, bx, by, eta) ! read in the data. use bmad implicit none real(rp), allocatable :: bx(:), by(:), z(:), eta(:), ax(:), ay(:), etap(:) integer n, ios, unit logical err_flag end subroutine end interface interface subroutine get_quad_locs(lat, zquad, xquad) !zquad is the position, and xquad is positive or negative 1 use bmad implicit none type(lat_struct) lat real(rp), allocatable :: zquad(:), xquad(:) end subroutine end interface contains subroutine plot_twiss_data(lat) integer id character(1) ans type(lat_struct)lat ! Generate PS and X-windows plots. call qp_open_page ("PS-L") ! Tell \quickplot to generate a PS file. call plot_it(lat) ! Generate the plot call qp_close_page ! is the file name call qp_open_page ("X", id, 600.0_rp, 561.0_rp, "POINTS") call plot_it(lat) write (*, "(a28)", advance = "NO") " Hit any key to end program: " read(5, "(a1)") ans end subroutine !---------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine plot_it(lat) ! This generates the plot real(rp), allocatable :: bx(:), by(:), z(:), eta(:) real(rp), allocatable :: zquad(:), xquad(:) type(lat_struct) lat real(rp) x_axis_min, x_axis_max, y_axis_min, y_axis_max real(rp) t,h real(rp) xq integer x_places, x_divisions, y_places, y_divisions integer unit, ios integer i character(80) title logical err_flag namelist / parameters / title ! Read in the data ! open (1, file = "plot.dat", status = "old") ! read (1, nml = parameters) ! read in the parameters. unit=22 call qp_read_twiss_data (unit, err_flag, z, bx, by, eta) ! read in the data. call get_quad_locs(lat, zquad, xquad) !zquad is the position, and xquad is positive or negative 1 ! close (1) print *,' number of points = size(z))', size(z) ! do i=1,size(z) ! print '(4es12.4)', z(i),bx(i),by(i),eta(i) ! end do title = 'Twiss Parameters' ! title = '\ga\gb\gc\gd\ge\gf\gg\gh\gi\gj\gk\gl\gm\gn\go\gp\gq\gr\gs\gt\gu\gv\gw\gx\gy\gz' ! Setup the margins and page border and draw the title call qp_set_page_border (0.01_rp, 0.02_rp, 0.1_rp, 0.1_rp, "%PAGE") call qp_set_margin (0.07_rp, 0.05_rp, 0.05_rp, 0.05_rp, "%PAGE") call qp_draw_text (title, 0.5_rp, 0.9_rp, "%PAGE", "CT") ! draw the bottom graph call qp_set_box (1, 1, 1, 3) call qp_calc_and_set_axis ("X", minval(z), maxval(z), 4, 8, "ZERO_AT_END") call qp_calc_and_set_axis ("Y", minval(bx), maxval(bx), 4, 8, "GENERAL") call qp_draw_axes ("s[m]", "\gb\dx\u[m]") call qp_set_symbol_attrib('dot', color = 'black', height = 10.0_rp) call qp_draw_data (z, bx, symbol_every = 0, draw_line=.true.) call qp_set_symbol_attrib('square', color = 'red', height = 30.0_rp) ! t=0.5 !(maxval(z)-minval(z))/50. h=(maxval(bx)-minval(bx))/8. print *,' t=',t,' h= ', h do i=1,size(xquad) t = abs(xquad(i))/2. xq = sign(1.0_rp, xquad(i)) call qp_draw_rectangle(zquad(i)-t, zquad(i)+t,(xq-1)*h,(xq+1)*h, units='DATA/GRAPH',color='blue') end do ! call qp_draw_data(zquad, xquad*maxval(bx)/10, draw_line=.false., symbol_every=1) call qp_save_state (.true.) ! call qp_set_line_attrib ("PLOT", color = 'blue', style = 'dashed') ! call qp_draw_data (z, bx, symbol_every = 5) call qp_restore_state ! draw the middle graph. 'star5_filled' is a five pointed star. call qp_save_state (.true.) call qp_set_box (1, 2, 1, 3) call qp_set_graph_attrib (draw_grid = .true.) call qp_set_symbol_attrib('dot', color = 'black', height = 10.0_rp) ! call qp_set_symbol_attrib ('star5_filled', height = 10.0_rp) call qp_calc_and_set_axis ("Y", minval(by), maxval(by), 4, 8, "GENERAL") ! call qp_set_axis ("Y", -0.1_rp, 0.1_rp, 4, 2) ! call qp_set_axis ('Y2', 1.0_rp, 100.0_rp, label = 'Y2 axis', & ! draw_numbers = .true., ax_type = 'LOG') ! call qp_draw_axes ("\m1 \m2 \m3 \m4 \m5 \m6 \m7", "\fsLY\fn", title = "That Darn Graph") call qp_draw_axes ("s[m]", "\gb\dy\u[m]") call qp_draw_data (z, by, draw_line = .true., symbol_every = 0) call qp_restore_state ! draw the top graph. 'star5_filled' is a five pointed star. call qp_save_state (.true.) call qp_set_box (1, 3, 1, 3) call qp_set_graph_attrib (draw_grid = .true.) call qp_set_symbol_attrib ('dot', height = 10.0_rp) call qp_calc_and_set_axis ("Y", minval(eta), maxval(eta), 4, 8, "GENERAL") ! call qp_set_axis ("Y", -0.1_rp, 0.1_rp, 4, 2) call qp_draw_axes ("s[m]", "\gy[m]") call qp_draw_data (z, eta, draw_line = .true., symbol_every = 0) call qp_restore_state end subroutine end module