specifying tiles.
Most objects in Celestia, stars, planets, asteroids, etc, start out as dull round globes. However, they can be given complicated appearances by specifying image files to be wrapped around them. These images, also called texture maps, can be used to provide surface colors, a bump (shadow) map, a nighttime image, cloud layers, a specular reflection map, and rings around the planet.
Despite the fancy name of "surface texture maps", these are all just pictures. You can create them using a fractal planet generator, your favorite paint program, or just copy them from a picture server. Pictures do get distorted when they are wrapped around an object in Celestia, but you usually don't have to worry about that. If necessary, some tools are available to provide the appropriate counter-distortions in advance.
Celestia can make use of three different types of image files: JPEG, PNG, and DDS texture format.
Each type of image has a different primary advantage: size on disk, support for an alpha channel (used for transparency or reflection), and performance, respectively. In some cases, BMP files can be used as surface textures for materials in 3DS models, but their use is discouraged. (BMP is an extremely complicated standard. Celestia implements only a very tiny fraction of it. If it works, you're lucky.)
Remember that the internal structure of JPG, PNG and DDS files are
quite different from one another. The file extension (the filetype)
is normally used by the computer to decide how
to interpret the file. Simply renaming a file from earth.dds
to earth.png
will not work. Trying to interpret a DDS
texture as if it were a PNG image will certainly not do what you want.
Other operating systems may use a file's 16bit "magic number" to determine
the type of data that it contains. The "magic number" is contained in
the first two bytes of the file.
DDS format is becoming popular with Celestia users who have current generation graphcs cards. The name is short for "Direct Draw Surface", a standard first used in Microsoft's DirectX software. This format can be used with most graphics chips that were designed within the past few years. It does not work with some older graphics cards. As of v1.3.0, there are three formats of DDS files often used with Celestia: DXT1, DXT3 and DXT5. DXT1 is the smallest. It contains only a single highly compressed picture. much like a JPEG image. DXT3 contains two somewhat compressed texture maps: the primary image and an Alpha channel. It's often used instead of a PNG file. A DDS file created in DXT1C or DXT5 format can contain multiple texture images. These "Mipmaps" in a DXT file are at progressively lower resolutions and can be created automatically by the NVDXT utility. The graphics hardware will use the image which is at the appropriate resolution for the size that the object is being shown on the screen. This results in better performance for objects that occupy fewer pixels.
DDS files can contain many other types of information that can be used by graphics cards that support them. For example, in addition to Mipmaps, DDS files have special provisions for Cubicmaps and Normalmaps.
A discussion of some of the different types of DXT compression algorithms can be found at http://www.intel.com/cd/ids/developer/asmo-na/eng/324337.pdf: Real-Time DXT Compression (2.5 MB PDF)
Standalone utilities and PhotoShop plugins are available from ATI, NVidia and Microsoft to convert various image formats into DDS files and to view DDS files as thumbnail images. Some of these programs are mentioned on my main Celestia Web page in section 9..
Wildcard filetypes are available in Celestia v1.3.1 and later. When a texture image is specified in an SSC flle or in the material of a Mesh in any catalog file, you can use an asterisk (*) to tell Celestia to use whichever of four image file types that it finds. Celestia will look for CTX, PNG, JPG and DDS files, in that order. If you specify a texture name of "Mars.*", for example, Celestia will look through the appropriate texture directories for images named Mars.ctx, Mars.png, Mars.jpg and Mars.dds, in that order. (See section 2.5 below for a description of the CTX format, which is used for "Virtual Textures.")
When a texture map image file contains an Alpha channel, Celestia will do one of two things with the Alpha channel. If the texture is specified using a Texture directive in an SSC or STC catalog, that is, if it is being used as the surface texture of a planet or model, its Alpha channel defines the surface specularity: white areas are reflective, black areas are dull. If the texture is used to define a cloud layer or a planetary ring or is specified within a 3D model, the Alpha channel defines the opacity of the surface: white is completely opaque, black is completely transparent.
Celestia requires that images contain 8 bits per color or grey channel.
Surface texture maps can be 24 bit color (8 bits each of Red, Green and Blue). 8 bit greyscale images that are to be used as surface textures must be converted to 24bit images. Also, Alpha channels, which are used for specular highlights or transparency, must be 8 bit grey-scale images. Although the PNG image file format supports other color depths, Celestia can't use those files. Developing a texture, height map or normal vector map with greater color resolution and then reducing the resolution in the final image usually produces a better result than working in the lower resolution required by Celestia.
Celestia needs its image files to have dimensions (in pixels) which are powers of two: 256x256, 1024x512, 4096x2048, etc.
The pixels are assumed to be square. This size restriction is built into the design of most graphics chipsets. Display packages that allow surface textures with other sizes actually have to rescale the images before they use them. It's better to design your images at an appropriate size to begin with. This provides better performance and prevents loss of detail due to scaling. With Celestia, you have no choice but to do this.
Celestia v1.5.0 (or later) makes possible the use of textures which are not a power-of-two on a side. However, if the graphics card itself does not support such a file size, Celestia will scale the image down to a power-of-two size that it can use. This may severely damage the quality of the texture.
Celestia looks for surface texture image files in a
When loading its own objects, Celestia looks in its main directory.
When an Addon is being loaded, Celestia
first looks in the
subdirectory in that Addon's directory.
If the texture isn't found there, it will look in the main directory.
Within each textures
Celestia looks in the subdirectories
and lores
. Surface texture images specified in the materials
of 3D model Mesh
files must be in the medres
When you create an Addon (e.g. a planet orbiting some distant star) its folder should be put in Celestia's "extras" folder. The Addon's textures would go in folders within the Addon's folder.
On a computer running Windows 7, Celestia's extras directory might be
C:\Program Files (x86)\Celestia\extras\
On a computer running MacOS, Celestia's extras directory is likely to
As a result, on some computers running Windows 7, the Addon
(let's call it MyAddon) should be in the folder
Its textures would be in
And its medres textures would be in
For more details, See Section 2.2: Directories and Resolution.
For more information about the structure of Addons, see A (not so) Brief Introduction to Celestia Addons
Celestia's spheres require surface texture image maps that have been created in simple cylindrical projection.
A Simple Cylindrical map projection is one of many ways to describe the surface of a 3D sphere on a flat, 2D surface.
Surface textures to be used for spherical objects in Celestia must be simple cylindrical projections with 0 degrees of longitude in the center and 180 degrees of longitude at the sides. The North pole should be at the top and the South pole at the bottom of the picture.
Most maps of planets and moons that you find on the Web are already in this format. Some maps have 180 degrees of longitude in the center, however, and have to be edited so they'll have consistant alignments when used with Celestia.
Within Celestia, Longitude is measured increasing toward the East,
toward the right side of the image. Often map references on the Web
will say something like "270 degrees of West Longitude." This is in the
opposite direction from what Celestia uses. 270 degrees West
is the same as 90 degrees East.
When a flat image is wrapped around a sphere, it gets distorted and stretched out of shape.
When used with Celestia, rectangular images of planetary maps that are going to be wrapped around spherical objects should be created in the format called "Simple Cylindrical Projection", which is also known as "Plate Carré" (spelled variously Caree, Carre & Carree). This is one of many different projection coordinate systems that have been developed so the surface of a sphere can be mapped onto a flat surface. Simple Cylindrical Projection is used by most 3D design systems when wrapping a rectangular image around a spherical object.
Simple Cylindrical Projections have a distinctive appearance. The top and bottom parts of the image are streatched horizontally. The center of the image looks normal. This stretching compensates for the fact that the top and bottem are "squeezed" when they are wrapped around the poles of a sphere. If you use an image that doesn't have this horizontal stretch, the poles of a planet will look "pinched".
"Simple Cylindrical" or "Cylindrical Equidistant" = "Plate Carré" |
"Plate Carré" in 3D |
The more common Mercator projections, like the one below, look similar to Simple Cylindrical Projections but have at least one major difference. Latitude (north-south) dimensions on Mercator projections become larger and larger as they approach the poles. The top and bottom of a Mercator map are stretched vertically while latitudes near the equator are shrunk. In contrast, the latitude distances on Simple Cylindrical Projections all have the same dimensions. They are not stretched vertically.
Mercator projection |
When converting a piece of a flat map or picture into a surface map for an imaginary planet, treating the initial image as if it were a Mollweide projection seems to produce reasonable results. When it's converted to Simple Cylindrical, the top and bottom get stretched appropriately.
Mollweide projection |
Whatever program you use to change an image's projection, you'll probably need to edit the cylindrical picture so that the features at its sides match. Otherwise there'll be a visible seam at the 180 degree position on the body drawn by Celestia.
A Cubic Map is another projection often used in computer graphics to describe the surface of a sphere.
It seems possible that Celestia may someday support Cubic Maps in additional to simple cylindrical maps. In anticipation of this possibility, I'm collecting some notes about that format.
Cubic maps are directly supported in the graphics hardware and avoid some of the problems seen with simple cylindrical projections, although they introduce some of their own.
The six faces of the cube can be generated using gnomonic projections.
Here are the commands to create them from a simple cylindrical image using MMPS:
#! /usr/bin/sh -x convert $1.jpg tmp.ppm ../project gnomonic -grid -gridcolor 255:255:255 \ -scale 2 -lat 0 -long 90 -w 512 -h 512 -f tmp.ppm >tmp_px.ppm ../project gnomonic -grid -gridcolor 255:255:255 \ -scale 2 -lat 0 -long 270 -w 512 -h 512 -f tmp.ppm >tmp_nx.ppm ../project gnomonic -grid -gridcolor 255:255:255 \ -scale 2 -lat 90 -long 0 -w 512 -h 512 -f tmp.ppm >tmp_py.ppm ../project gnomonic -grid -gridcolor 255:255:255 \ -scale 2 -lat -90 -long 0 -w 512 -h 512 -f tmp.ppm >tmp_ny.ppm ../project gnomonic -grid -gridcolor 255:255:255 \ -scale 2 -lat 0 -long 0 -w 512 -h 512 -f tmp.ppm >tmp_pz.ppm ../project gnomonic -grid -gridcolor 255:255:255 \ -scale 2 -lat 0 -long 180 -w 512 -h 512 -f tmp.ppm >tmp_nz.ppm # convert xc:black -geometry 512x512 black.ppm # montage black.ppm tmp_py.ppm black.ppm black.ppm \ tmp_nx.ppm tmp_pz.ppm tmp_px.ppm tmp_nz.ppm \ black.ppm tmp_ny.ppm black.ppm black.ppm \ -mode Concatenate -tile 4x3 $1_cubic.jpg
These faces can be stored directly in a single DDS file.
The order of faces should be
Positive X
Negative X
Positive Y
Negative Y
Positive Z
Negative Z
More details on DDS Cube Map format are available on the Web page http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ee415223%28VS.85%29.aspx
Merged Cubic projection |
Various programs are available for remapping (distorting) a "flat" image into a cylindrical projection.
Some freeware utilities are
Photoshop plugins can be used with most paint programs, not just with Adobe Photoshop.
Celestia has three directories and two commands which can be used to change the appearance of an object:
The directories are
, and
The resolution commands used in Celestia v1.5.1 and older are
The Texture Resolution menu (previously "r" and "R" commands) usually can be used to select among Celestia's lower and higher resolution surface textures. (They work for AltSurface textures, too.)
Celestia can select among as many as three different image resolutions
for the surface
texture of a body. The image files used for this must all have the same
name (e.g. earth.jpg
), but they are kept in separate
If an object's Texture declaration in an STC or SSC file
specifies a wildcard
filetype (e.g. earth.*
), then the image files do not all
have to be the same type. Celestia will look for CTX, PNG, JPG and DDS
files, in that order. (See section 2.5 below for a
description of the CTX format, which is used for "Virtual Textures.")
Celestia looks for texture files in the subdirectories
, in that order.
The older Celestia distribution
include Lores and Medres surface textures
for many bodies in the Solar System. Celestia v1.6.0 includea a few Hires
textures, too.
To select among the three textures in older versions of Celestia, the key "r" selects the file that is in the next lower resolution directory, while "R" selects the file that is in the next higher resolution directory. Celestia v1.6.0 and newer have appropriate menu items.
Note that the texture images in these different directories don't actually have to be different resolution versions of the same image. The pictures could be completely different from one another. The directory names and the selection commands are just a convenience.
When you want to substitute a new texture for an old one, you have several choices:
which uses the Modify keyword
to specify a different image file name and filetype.
On a computer running Windows 7, Celestia's extras directory might be
C:\Program Files (x86)\Celestia\extras\
On a computer running MacOS, Celestia's extras directory is likely to
This SSC and the replacement image should be in extras
or their own Addon directory. For example, the ssc file
might be in the directory
, while the corresponding image file
would be in the directory
Using the Modify keyword in a new SSC file is relatively straightforward. Modify should be the first word on the first line of an object's redefinition. The body of the object's definition should include the lines that you want to be different from the original definition. For example, to replace Celestia's standard surface Texture for the Earth by the Plate Carré image shown above, one could use this SSC catalog:
Modify "Earth" "Sol" { Texture "plate_caree.*" }
subdirectory. Then you can use r and R
to select among the images in the
with a new one that has the same name.
I.e. rename the new file to have the same name as the original image file. If necessary, you could convert the format of the new image file to be the same as the original surface texture image file. You can leave the format and filetype of the new image file unchanged if the object's catalog file specifies a wildcard filetype.
Although you can edit solarsys.ssc
to change the image file's name when
you want to permanently replace one or more of Celestia's default
planet surfaces with new ones, this is not recommended.
is a plain
text file and can be edited with your favorite text editor: Notepad,
Wordpad, emacs, vi, whatever. One problem is that when you install
a new version of Celestia, it will overwrite your changes.
You also run the risk of damaging
beyond repair.
Instead, you can either create an AltSurface Addon
that can be selected while Celestia is running,
or you can create an Addon that uses the SSC directive "Modify" to
substitute a different Texture command permanently.
is critical to the operation of Celestia. Copy it elsewhere first.
It is too easy to make a typographical error which makes the file
unusable. Celestia does not generate any error messages when something
goes wrong. Depending on the problem, Celestia may just skip the bad
directive or it may ignore the rest of the file entirely.
If you have a copy of the original file, you can compare it with your new
version to see what has changed.
Remember that the internal structure of JPG, PNG and DDS files are
quite different from one another. The file extension (the filetype)
is normally used to decide how
to interpret the file. Simply renaming a file from earth.dds
to earth.png
will not work. Trying to interpret a DDS
texture as if it were a PNG image will certainly not do what you want.
Starting with Celestia v1.3.1, there is another option for replacing the surface texture of a body: Celestia now supports the use of Alternate Surface Textures.
An AltSurface is declared in an SSC file:
AltSurface "Name of Surface" "path to body" { surface texture map declarations }
AltSurface "Lowell's Canals: monochrome" "Sol/Mars" { Texture "plmars-texture-v2.*" BumpMap "marsbump.*" BumpHeight 2.5 }
In an .SSC file, you can specify one or more AltSurfaces which list textures to be associated with an object. Then when Celestia runs, you can choose the appropriate set of surface textures by Selecting the object and then using the "Right-Mouse-Button-context-menu". Click on the object with the "Right-Mouse-Button" ("Ctrl-Click" on a Mac). The pop-up menu will include the menu item "Alternate Textures" whenever there are alternate surfaces associated with the Selected object. Alternate surfaces can include all of the qualities associated with surface textures traditionally used for Celestia's objects, including bumpmaps, specular reflections, etc. Atmospheric effects with clouds are not available, however.
When you select a particular AltSurface, Celestia also respects the
resolution selection commands "r" and "R". In other
words, each AltSurface can have as many as three different surface
images, one in each of the lores
, medres
and hires
Alternate surface textures can be defined in their own SSC file. They do not have to be defined in the same .SSC file with the object that they're associated with. The SSC file which defines the host body does have to be loaded before the file contining the AltSurface definition, though, so that Celestia already knows the body it uses. An AltSurface declaration specifies its own name plus the name of the body to which it should be applied.
Some restrictions you need to keep in mind:
Surface textures are not inherited from other declarations for that body. If an AltSurface only mentions a Texture, no NightTexture will be shown. The surface textures that can be specified are Texture, BumpMap (or NormalMap), SpecularTexture, NightTexture and OverlayTexture surface map images. Only CloudMap texture images, which are declared in an SSC's Atmosphere definitions and are not surface modifiers, are inherited from the object's "Normal" surface definition.
(Note that the word "Normal" is used ambiguously in Celestia. NormalMap images are used to define surface shading that changes as the body rotates. The word "Normal" also is used to indicate "standard" or "default" surfaces. These default surfaces are the surface texture images which are declared in an object's initial SSC declaration, not in an AltSurface declaration.)
You can define a different AltSurface texture image for each of many different objects, and you can give all of their different AltSurfaces the same name, "Ancient" for example.
If you select an AltSurface named "Ancient" for the Earth, and if an "Ancient" is defined for Mars, you will see the AltSurface "Ancient" when you GoTo Mars. You do not have to select it separately. Objects which do not have an AltSurface of the specified name revert to showing their "Normal" surfaces.
AltSurface "Ancient" "Sol/Venus" { Texture "ancient_venus.*" BumpMap "ancient_venusbump.*" BumpHeight 2.5 } AltSurface "Ancient" "Sol/Earth" { Texture "ancient_earth.*" BumpMap "ancient_earthbump.*" BumpHeight 2.5 } AltSurface "Ancient" "Sol/Mars" { Texture "ancient_mars.*" BumpMap "ancient_marsbump.*" BumpHeight 2.5 }
Only the surface textures are affected by the AltSurface definition. These are the Texture, BumpMap (or NormalMap), SpecularTexture, NightTexture, and OverlayTexture surface map images. CloudMap texture images, which are declared in SSC Atmosphere definitions and drawn on a sphere above the body's surface sphere, always are inherited from the object's "normal" (default SSC) surface definition. They can be changed using the "r and "R" resolution selection commands or menu options, though. See section 2.2.
Here's an example .SSC file specifying AltSurface maps for Mars.
If it is put in the directory Celestia\extras\MyMars\
then its corresponding surface textures should be in
This SSC uses textures available from my Mars Web page at
gallery-002.html. Mars is defined in
Celestia's solarsys.ssc
, so it's already known when
an Addon's SSC file is loaded from the \extras\
Here are a couple of examples taken from that file:
AltSurface "Lowell's Canals: monochrome" "Sol/Mars" { Texture "plmars-texture-v2.*" BumpMap "marsbump.*" BumpHeight 2.5 } AltSurface "Lowell's Canals: colored" "Sol/Mars" { Texture "plmars2-texture-v2.*" BumpMap "marsbump.*" BumpHeight 2.5 }
Virtual Textures can be used to provide extremely high resolution surfaces for Celestia's builtin spheres. (They don't work on 3D models.)
Please see Bob Hegwood's description of how to get started using and creating Virtual Textures in his PDF document Virtual Textures for Dummies! (it's a 61KB PDF document).
A very brief description of Virtual Textures is available in A brief How-To for Virtual Textures.
Starting with Celestia v1.3.1, high resolution surface textures of planets and their satellites can be provided as groups of many smaller images. A 32Kx16K surface texture no longer has to be one gigantic file. Instead of loading one image for the entire surface of an object, Celestia loads only those images that are needed to display the part of the surface that you're looking at. As a result, the surface textures load much more quickly and Celestia runs more smoothly.
(Well, sort of. Often there are so many tiles visible that loading all of their files individually takes longer than loading a single larger image file.)
A virtual texture consists of these elements:
file. You can modify
, but I prefer to use a separate .SSC
file in an
Addon directory.)
declaring the name of the folder
containing the texture image tiles which are components of the
CTX virtual texture.
file is in an apppriate
sub-directory, usually either medres
. The folder it specifies is in that same sub-directory.)
The easiest way to use a Virtual Texture is to declare it as an
AltSurface in an SSC file. This SSC catalog file should be in the main
directory that is named for and associated with this VT Addon. While
the SSC catalog file could be
put directly into your /extras/
directory, you will regret that
Here's an example for the Earth.
On my system, it lives in
\extras\Addons\BlueMarble DDS\BlueMarble.ssc
This SSC catalog specifies the Virtual surface Texture file named
BlueMarble DDS.ctx
along with a NightTexture, NormalMap, and others. The smallest possible
AltSurface would include only the Texture specification.
AltSurface "BlueMarble DDS" "Sol/Earth" { Color [ 0.6 0.6 1.0 ] Texture "BlueMarble DDS.ctx" NightTexture "earthnight.ctx" NormalMap "earth-normal.ctx" SpecularTexture "earth-spec.ctx" SpecularColor [ 0.5 0.5 0.55 ] SpecularPower 25.0 HazeColor [ 1 1 1 ] HazeDensity 0.3 }
specifying tiles.
A .ctx
file is a plain text file which describes the
tiles that compose the virtual
texture. The .ctx
file goes into the texture\hires
directory associated with this VT Addon,
just as a JPG or PNG image would.
On my system,
it lives in \extras\Addons\BlueMarble DDS\textures\hires\
The .ctx
file specifies the name of the next lower
folder of this VT Addon. This next lower folder contains up to 13 folders named level0
through level12
. The level
folders actually contain the
images that form the tiles of the virtual texture.
For example, here is the file \textures\hires\BlueMarble DDS.ctx
It says that the next folder down,
\extras\Addons\BlueMarble DDS\textures\hires\BlueMarble DDS
contains the folders of tiles
for this virtual surface texture.
VirtualTexture { ImageDirectory "BlueMarble DDS" BaseSplit 0 TileSize 512 TileType "dds" }
Starting with Celestia v1.4.0pre1, Virtual Textures can use as many as 13 levels of resolution (0 through 12) stored in separate folders.
BlueMarble folder structure
Contents of
Virtual textures consist of as many as 13 levels (0 through 12) of detail. Each level corresponds to an image area that is four times the size of the previous level: twice the width and twice the height. If level0 consists of two 512x512 images (which is the equivalent of a 1K surface texture) then level1 can contain eight 512x512 images (the equivalent of a 2K surface texture) and so on.
On the Earth, this means
that level0 has a resolution of about 40km/pixel.
The Earth has a circumference of about 40000 km.
40000 / 1024 = about 40.
If the level10
folder conatains
tiles that are 512x512 pixels, they will provide a resolution
of about 40 meters/pixel. Larger tiles would provide
proportionately better resolution for level10
Each level
of detail consists of up to 2n x n
texture tiles, where
must be a power of two. Fully populated, each level
would contain 4 times as many tiles as the previous level. Only the
lowest resolution level, level0
, must be fully populated,
however. If tiles are omitted from higher reslolution levels, then the
area that would be covered by the missing tiles is filled in from lower
resolution levels.
When placing tiles in a virtual texture with a BaseSplit of 0, level0 contains two tiles, each covering 180 degrees. Level1 has 8, 90 degree tiles; level2: 32, 45 deg; level3: 128, 22.5 deg; level4: 512, 11.25 deg; level5: 2048, 5.625 deg; etc. Use the spreadsheet in the Tools section below to help in calculating the latitude and longitude of tiles.
Celestia chooses the level of detail to use based on the size in
pixels of the object shown on the screen and the TileSize
specified in the ctx
file. The image change is not
based on the actual sizes of the tile images.
When a level is fully populated, the equivalent width of the tiles at that level is always double the height if they're considered to be a simple cylindrical projection as used by Celestia. (e.g. 1024x512 or 32768x16384)
The individual tiles do not have to be square, however. In particular, the tiles near the poles could be rectangular, perhaps 2 or 4 times as tall as they are wide. They do have to be powers of two on a side. Celestia (actually your graphics card) stretches them to the appropriate size to be projected on the associated part of the globe.
All the levels of detail do not need to be fully populated, but the lower resolution level folders do have to exist. If you have a few high resolution tiles in level7, all of the folders named level0 through level6 must be there. Level0 should be fully populated with its two tiles, but the intermediate folders can be left empty.
If a tile at the requested level of detail is not
available, Celestia will fall back to the next lower level of detail
that's available. This allows you to map planets with very high resolution at
particular locations without forcing you to map the entire planet at
that resolution. For example, the level10
folder below
contains high resolution tiles of the Cape Canaveral
area. You might want to create some for your home town.
Contents of \level0\ (fully populated)
Contents of \level1\ (fully populated)
Contents of \level10\ (only partially populated)
Level | # tiles | Degrees per tile | Pixels across | Resolution per pixel | equivalent size |
0 | 2 | 180 | 1024 | 40km | 2MegaBytes |
1 | 8 | 90 | 2048 | 20km | 8MB |
2 | 32 | 45 | 4096 | 10km | 32MB |
3 | 128 | 22.5 | 8K | 5km | 128MB |
4 | 512 | 11.25 | 16K | 2.5km | 512MB |
5 | 2048 | 5.6 | 32K | 1.25km | 2GB |
6 | 8K | 2.8 | 64K | 625m | 8GB |
7 | 32K | 1.4 | 128K | 312m | 32GB |
8 | 128K | 0.7 | 256K | 156m | 128GB |
9 | 512K | 0.35 | 512K | 78m | 512GB |
10 | 2M | 0.175 | 1M | 39m | 2TB |
11 | 8M | 0.0875 | 2M | 19.5m | 8TB |
12 | 32M | 0.04375 | 4M | 9.75m | 32TB |
These images link to much larger ones. They show an overview of one way to organize your Virtual Texture folders.
Backdrop: Tributaries of the Amazon | Backdrop: Valles Marineris |
Blue Marble folders |
FlatMars VT folders |
Several tools are available to help create Virtual Textures.
Normalmaps provide detailed information about the roughness of a surface.
"Surface normal vectors" are pointers which indicate what direction is perpendicular to the local area on an object. ("Normal" is a mathematical synonym for "perpendicular".) They describe the orientation of a region on the surface of a model. They control both how it is illuminated, including how shadows are drawn on it, and whether the surface is drawn at all. Surfaces that have normals pointing toward a lignt are illuminated. Surfaces that have normals pointing away from a lignt are shaded. Surfaces that have normals pointing toward the observer have to be drawn if they are not obscured by another object. Surfaces that have normals pointing away from the observer do not have to be drawn.
A normalmap makes a flat region look like it has bumps. Using a normalmap to describe the shading of a region is much less expensive (i.e. has better performance) than using a 3D model containing all of the details of that area.
Celestia can use several different formats of normalmaps.
Normalmaps can be provided as either RGB color images or (in v1.5 and later) as special DDS/DXT compressed files. Color images used for normapmaps have a distinctive pink-blue-purple coloration.
In general, PNG images provide the most accurate normalmaps since they use a lossless compression. However, they are expensive in memory and CPU because they have to be decompresed to full resolution before they can be used. Although they're smaller, JPG and DDS tend to be worse in accuracy because their compression algorithms permanently discard or change some of the colors.
When adding a surface normal texture map in a CMOD model, the
model file's vertices must include tangents.
Use cmodfix
with the qualifier --tangents
Celestia v1.5.0 (and later) will support two different NormalMap DDS
formats, both the traditional normalized RGB format and a compressed
format called DXT5nm. Normalmaps provided in DXT5nm
format must have the .dxt5nm filetype. When DXT5nm format normalmaps
are used as a Virtual Texture and declared in a .ctx
file, the
TileType must be declared to be "dxt5nm". This new format is visible
only in Celestia's "OpenGL 2.0" render path. It requires
graphics hardware that supports OpenGL v2.0.
For more information about the compressed normalmap format, see http://developer.nvidia.com/object/bump_map_compression.html Normalmap tools to develop DXT5NM textures for Celestia are available at http://www.celestialmatters.org/.
Tradeoffs in normalmap textures:
Fridger Schrempp has written tools to manipulate normal maps for use with Celestia. For details, pease visit the Website http://www.celestialmatters.org/.
V8.22 and later of Nvidia's nvdxt
can generate this new compressed
nvdxt -quality_highest -file *.png -nomipmap -dxt5nm
ImageMagick v6 and later includes an enhanced convert
utility which can
operate on individual layers using the -channel and -fx qualifiers.
Although slower, this can be used with other utilities to produce
normalmaps in this new format.
Normalmap tools to develop DXT5NM textures for Celestia are available at http://www.celestialmatters.org/.
A procedure for generating 3-channel normalmaps from photographs with special orientations is described at It includes a program for converting normalmaps into bumpmaps. However, Celestia's progression has been from the use of Bumpmaps, which use a relatively low 8bit resolution, to higher resolution (24bit) Normalmaps.
Bumpmaps can be converted to (low resolution) Normalmaps using ATI's utility.
See also: http://www.ati.com/developer/sdk/RadeonSDK/Html/Tutorials/RadeonBumpMap.html
You can define new surface colorations for spheres or models by using the SSC directive
Texture "imagefilename"
To change the appearance of a planet, replace its texture map or change
its Texture declaration in the appropriate .SSC file. The planets of
the solar system and their associated Textures are defined in
. Don't modify that file if you can avoid
it, however. Instead, create a new .SSC
file in your
directory which uses Modify or defines
an AltSurface. See Section 2.3.
If you provide a PNG image or a DDS texture, it can include an Alpha channel in addition to its primary image. Celestia uses that Alpha channel to define the specularity (reflectivity) of the surface: white makes it bright over oceans and black makes it dull over land areas. If the Texture image does not include an Alpha channel, you can use a separate image to define the surface specularity.
If you provide a JPEG image as the surface texture, it will define only the surface coloration. JPEG images cannot include Alpha channels, so a separate image must be provided if you want to define the surface specularity. See below.
Texture declarations in SSC and STC catalog files can be used for Celestia's spherical bodies and for CMS, CMOD and 3DS models.
You can change the appearance of a spherical object like a planet by providing the different types of textures described below. Unfortunately, only the basic surface Texture works for CMS, CMOD or 3DS models. The other types of texture files don't do anything when applied to CMS, 3DS or CMOD models.
Example Earth, showing
Click on this Cel:// URL to cause Celestia to take you to this viewpoint:
Although Celestia can be used with any graphics card, it needs certain advanced 3D rendering features in order to display some of its "eye candy." Type a Ctrl-V several times to get Celestia to step through the rendering options available on your computer while displaying their names.
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A specular reflection happens when sunlight reflects off a smooth surface, glinting off the sides of waves on a body of water, for example. On a 3D model, a specular reflection is represented by a highlight. The graphics hardware doesn't actully show reflected images.
For Celestia to display specular reflections, your graphics card must support "OpenGL vertex programs". If you can see specular reflections, you'll also see the effects of BumpMaps and NormalMaps.
A SpecularTexture defines areas of a surface which can cause reflections of sunlight. Celestia uses one for the Earth to simulate the Sun reflecting off the Earth's oceans, for example.
You can create specular reflections on a sphere or model by using the SSC directives
SpecularTexture "imagefilename"
SpecularColor color (no default; 3 numbers in [ ] )
SpecularPower number (default = 0 = no specularity)
Specular reflection textures are grey-scale images which are white where reflections are the brightest and black where there should be no reflection.
If you create a surface texture that has an Alpha channel and use it for a planetary body, that Alpha channel is treated as a specular reflection texture and you don't need a separate file for it, and you don't need to provide a SpecularTexture declaration.
If only SpecularColor and SpecularPower are present, and no Alpha channel is present in the surface texture, the entire surface of the body is treated as if it were smooth and shiny.
SpecularTexture declarations in SSC catalog files only work for spherical bodies. They don't work on CMS, CMOD or 3DS models. However, specular surfaces can be specified for models by using appropriate material definitions within them if you're running Celestia v1.5 or later.
The wrinkles in mountainous surfaces can be made apparent by using either a BumpMap or a NormalMap. Their sunlit sides will be bright and their shaded sides will be drawn darker. Celestia does not support self shadowing as a result of bumpmaps, though, so they won't cast shadows across other parts of the landscape.
For Celestia to display shadows due to bump or normal maps, your graphics card must support "OpenGL vertex programs". If you can see the effects of BumpMaps and NormalMaps, you'll also see specular reflections.
To apply a BumpMap to the surface of a sphere, use the SSC directives
BumpMap "imagefilename"
BumpHeight number (default = 2.5)
For a Bumpmap, provide a grey-scale image that's white at the highest altitudes and black at the lowest. Although Celestia can use only an 8bit greyscale image, development of a bumpmap using more bits per pixel can produce a better result when you finally reduce it for use with Celestia.
Internally, Celestia converts bumpmaps into normalmaps for use by your graphics hardware. Since bumpmap images can contain only 256 height values, this may cause problems when displaying a surface at high resolution. You can provide your own NormalMap to improve on this.
BumpMap SSC declarations only work for spherical bodies. They don't work on CMS, CMOD or 3DS models. Also, bumpmap textures do not work in material definitions in models. Use normalmaps instead.
To apply a NormalMap to the surface of a sphere, use the SSC directive
NormalMap "imagefilename"
For a NormalMap, provide a full color image. The R, G and B channels define the amplitudes of the surface normal vectors in the X, Y and Z directions respectively for each pixel.
In this usage, "Normal" is an abbreviation for "Surface Normal Vectors". They're the directions which are perpendicular to the wrinkled surface at each pixel's location. (Celestia also uses the word "Normal" to indicate the default surface texture when AltSurface textures are in use. This can be confusing at times.)
NormalMap declarations in SSC catalog files only work for spherical bodies. They don't work on CMS, CMOD or 3DS models. However, materials in models can specify normalmaps for use with Celestia v1.5 or later.
Celestia v1.5.0 (and later) will support two different NormalMap DDS formats, both the traditional normalized RGB format and a compressed format. See http://developer.nvidia.com/object/bump_map_compression.html and section 2.6 above.
For a detailed comparison of Normal maps and Bump maps, see What is a Normal Map? by James Hastings-Trew.
A NightTexture is used to color the dark side of a sphere. Brightly colored areas look like lights on the surface.
For Celestia to display night lights, your graphics card must support "Multitextures."
To draw nightlights on a sphere, use the SSC directive
NightTexture "imagefilename"
Provide a colored texture that includes an Alpha channel. Just as with a CloudMap, this Alpha channel defines the opacity of the texture map. The Alpha channel should be opaque (white) where there are lights and transparent (black) where there are no lights. If your NightTexture does not include an Alpha channel, it will still work, but the body's surface Texture won't be visible on the night side. Only the NightTexture will be visible on the night side of the body.
NightTexture declarations in SSC catalog files only work for Celestia's default spherical bodies. They don't work on CMS, CMOD or 3DS models. However, models can contain emissive material definitions, which are equivalent, for use with Celestia v1.5 or later.
Some areas on some of the planets and moons have never been photographed. We really don't know what most of the surface of Mercury looks like, for example. Celestia includes several pictures of bodies that have had the unknown areas filled in with artistic guesses. Opaque overlays can be added to cover the areas that we've never seen.
For Celestia to display overlays, your graphics card only needs to support "Basic" rendering.
To apply an OverlayTexture to a sphere, use the SSC directive
OverlayTexture "imagefilename"
An OverlayTexture can be used to blank out the unknown areas of a sphere. This helps to distinguish the valid surface information from the imaginary imagery that has been used to fill in the empty space.
Provide a colored texture that includes an Alpha channel. Just as with a CloudMap, this Alpha channel defines the opacity of the texture map. Where the opacity channel is black, you can see the underlying surface texture. You can see the OverlayTexture's coloration where the opacity channel is white.
The OverlayTexture is drawn on top of all of the other surface textures, beneath the CloudMap.
An OverlayTexture often is used within an AltSurface declaration
called "Limit of knowledge". Many are included in Celestia's
OverlayTextures only work for spherical bodies. They don't work on CMOD, CMS or 3DS models. However, an AltSurface Texture can be used instead of an OverlayTexture to specify an appropriate replacement surface texture image for the entire surface of a model.
There is a bug in Celestia v1.4.1 which prevents OverlayTextures from being drawn in "Render path: OpenGL 2.0". Overlays do work in the other Render paths. This bug has been fixed for v1.5.
A Cloud layer defines a partially transparent layer that can move across the surface of an object.
For Celestia to display clouds, your graphics card only needs to support "Basic" rendering.
For Clouds, use these directives within an SSC's
Atmosphere declaration:
CloudMap "imagefilename"
CloudHeight number (km)
CloudSpeed number (deg/day)
Provide a colored texture that includes an Alpha channel. This Alpha channel defines the opacity of the texture map. Where the opacity channel is black, you can see through the clouds to the underlying surface texture. You can see the colors of the CloudMap's image where the opacity channel is white.
The CloudMap is drawn after the OverlayTexture.
Clouds for the Earth usually are defined as a completely white image plus an opacity channel that defines the shapes of the clouds.
An Atmosphere declaration works fine for CMOD, CMS and 3DS models, so you can have Clouds flowing around them. Clouds are always drawn on a sphereoid, so this can look a little strange.
The size of a CloudTexture image used for moving clouds is limited
to the size of your graphics
card's texture buffer. This might be 1K, 2K or as much as 4K pixels
on a side.
If you specify a CloudSpeed of 0, however,
then the CloudTexture can be any
size, or even a VirtualTexture.
Features new with Celestia v1.5.0 and later:
A Ring texture is a linear image which defines a partially transparent system of circles around a planet. Each opaque pixel is drawn as a circle. Transparent pixels can be seen through.
For Celestia to display rings, your graphics card only needs to support "Basic" rendering. To display planet shadows on Rings, Multitexture support is required. However, to project ring shadows onto the planet, your graphics card must support "OpenGL vertex program" rendering. (Even so, Nvidia MX cards cannot draw ring shadows on planets. They can draw only the shadow of the planet on the rings.)
To define Rings around an object, use these directives
within an SSC's Rings declaration:
Texture "imagefilename"
Inner number (default = 0.0 km)
Outer number (default = 0.0 km)
Color color (default = [ 1 1 1 ])
The definition of Saturn in Celestia's catalog file /data/solarsys.ssc shows how these declarations should be structured.
The Texture image used for the rings around a planet should include an alpha channel in addition to the primary image. The primary image determines its color and brightness. The alpha channel determines its opacity. These images typically are long and skinny: 512x16 and 1024x64 are common sizes. The width of a texture image used for a Ring's Texture is limited to the size of your graphics card's texture buffer. This might be 1K, 2K or as much as 4K pixels on a side.
Most of the image file actually isn't used. Celestia only expands its first raster line. That scanline is used to define the ring's appearance along a radius: along a line extending outward from the center of the planet. Celestia expands it in a circle around the planet's equator to produce the final image.
To display Nebulas, your graphics card only needs to do "Basic" rendering. For older versions of Celestia, you have to remember to turn on "Show Galaxies" in Celestia's "View Options" menu, keyboard shortcut "u". For Celestia v1.4.0 and later, you have to remember to turn on "Show Nebulae" in Celestia's "View Options" menu, keyboard shortcut "^" (caret: "^ space" on keyboards that support diacritical marks).
A Nebula's surface texture is not specified explicitly within a DSC (Deep Space Catalog) file: DSC files may not contain any Texture directives. Instead, the names of the image files used to color a Nebula must be specified within its 3DS or CMOD model. Nebulas cannot use AltSurface textures.
A Nebula's texture image file may be any of the image file types supported by Celestia except for CTX virtual textures. Like Ring textures and moving Cloud textures, though, the size of a Nebula's surface texture image is limited to the size of your graphic card's texture buffer. This might be 1K, 2K or as much as 4K pixels on a side.
If the texture file includes an Alpha channel, the Alpha channel is a grey-scale image which defines the opacity of the surface coloration.
Depending on the 3D design program you use, you may not be able to specify the type of image file that you need to use with Celestia. Many 3D design packages do not directly support the use of DDS texture files, for example. In such cases, you will have to edit the 3DS model file using a binary file editor to change the texture file name. (I use Emacs.) Making this change usually isn't very difficult. The surface material specifications usually are near the beginning of the 3DS model file.
If you use 3DSTOCMOD to translate the 3DS model into a CMOD ASCII file, of course, any text editor can be used to change the names of the surface texture image files declared within the ASCII CMOD model file.
If you use Anim8or v0.95 or later, a CMOD export script is available: http://www.lepp.cornell.edu/~seb/celestia/files/export_cmod_plugin.a8s. It creates CMOD files which contain wildcard texture specifications. Although you'll have to use GIF or JPG images while working in Anim8or, you can use PNG or DDS files in Celestia without editing the CMOD file.
Celestia does not yet support volumetric particle (foggy smoke) rendering for Mesh objects. It only draws a model's surfaces.
Celestia v1.5 supports Point Sprites in CMOD models. in principle they could be used to create volumetric effects. See cmod_format.html#1.1.2 for more information.
Starting with Celestia v1.4.0, Star surface textures can be specified in .STC catalog files. By default, Celestia uses the surface texture image "astar.*".
You can define a different surface pattern for a Star sphere or model by
using the STC directive
Texture "imagefilename"
The surface texture map of a Star can be a PNG, JPG, DDS or CTX (Virtual Texture) image. Unlike for planets, Celestia ignores any Alpha channel when drawing a Star.
Just as for planet textures in SSC files, the "r" and "R" commands can be used to select lores, medres and hires Star surface textures, and a wildcard filetype works, too.
See also Section 6: Common Addon Problems in the Introduction to Addons.
Unfortunately older versions of Celestia don't provide much help when things go wrong.
This has changed starting with Celestia v1.3.1, which includes an
error message display. Type a "tilde" (~) to see it. (European
keyboards require a space
after the tilde.)
When there are problems with a surface texture, Celestia will draw the object without that surface texture. This usually results in a dull white or black ball. For example, if it draws Mars as a dull pink ball, that means that no surface texture has been loaded.
This will happen if you provide an image file of the wrong type or size, or if you specify the name of a texture file that doesn't exist, or if you've filled up the memory in your graphics card.
(or in any catalog file, for that
matter) means "ignore the rest of this line". Make sure there is no #
in front of the Texture declaration you want. There must be only one
active Texture declaration for each planet definition: make sure there
is a # in front of every other Mars Texture definition that you've left
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specifying tiles.If you don't tell me that something's missing, unclear or wrong, I can't improve it.