Matthias Neubert
Adjunct Professor
- Heavy-flavor physics
- Effective field theories
- Heavy-quark expansions and renormalization group techniques
- B-physics and CP violation
- Quantum-field theories of strong and electroweak interactions
- Physics beyond the Standard Model
- Collider physics
Educational Background
Physics Dipl., 1988, Heidelberg University. Ph.D., 1990, Heidelberg University. Research Associate, Heidelberg University, 1990-91. Research Associate, Stanford Linear Accelerator Center (SLAC), 1991-93. Staff Member, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland, 1993-98. Visiting Professor, Stanford University and SLAC, 1999. Adjunct Professor, Physics, Heidelberg University, 1988-present. Professor, Physics, Cornell University, 1999-2008.Chair for Theoretical Physics, Johannes Gutenberg University, Mainz, Germany, 2006-present. Adjunct Professor, Cornell University, 2008-present. Fellow, German National Scholarship Foundation, 1985-93. Research Award, Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, 2005. Fellow, American Physical Society, 2006. Member, Heidelberg Academy of Sciences, 2008. Member, Gutenberg Academy Mainz, 2009. J. Hans D. Jensen Award, 2010. Editor, Journal of High Energy Physics, 1997-present. Editor, European Physics Journal, 1998-present. Editor, Reviews of Modern Physics, 2001-2004.