A block of 60 rooms, with a workshop rate of $125/night or $135/night (depending on the room) is being held at the Ithaca Holiday Inn from the nights of August 4th to August 9th. Individual reservations may be made directly with the hotel at 607-272-1000, through 1-800-HOLIDAY or on their website using the group code CHR. Reservations will be accepted up to Wednesday, July 4th, after which time any of the remaining rooms will be back on sale for the general public. The rooms have wireless internet access. Also, transportation between the hotel and Olin will be provided, as parking on campus is discouraged.
You can reserve a dorm room on this page.
In addition, there will be 30 dorm rooms available in Mews Hall (on North Campus) with a nightly rate of $57 for a single and $42 for a double, plus a $29 administration fee. The space is reserved from Saturday, August 4th at 2:00 pm until Thursday, August 9th at 10:00 am. These rooms have internet access but no wireless. They have air conditioning, and parking is available for $5 per day for the CC lots. Attendees should check in at the Robert Purcell Community Center (RPCC) desk located on the first floor of RPCC, from 2:00 pm until 11:00 pm. Parking permits may be purchased while checking the room.