Scientific Program
Sessions will contain a mixture of theoretical and experimental talks. Talks
will be from 20 to 30 minutes and should aim to stimulate discussion.
All sessions are held in Olin Hall.
Sunday, August 5 |
8:00 | | Registration and Breakfast |
9:00 | G.P. Lepage | Welcome |
Charm Production I |
Chair: A. Ryd |
9:10 | B. Lang | Exclusive charm production in e+e- at ~4GeV
[ppt] |
9:30 | H.-M. Hu | Inclusive hadron production ("R") in e+e- at ~4GeV [pdf]
9:50 | B. Yabsley | Double ccbar in e+e- at high energy
10:10 | | Break |
Charm Production II |
Chair: S. Pakvasa |
10:40 | E. Swanson | Charm production theory
11:10 | J. Rademacker | Heavy flavour production at the Tevatron
11:30 | A. Knospe | Charm production in relativistic heavy ions
11:50 | | Lunch (on your own) |
Rare Charm Processes I |
Chair: J. Rosner |
14:00 | A. Seiden | D Mixing at BABAR
14:20 | L.-M. Zhang | D Mixing at Belle
14:40 | W. Sun | D Mixing at CLEO-c
15:00 | B. Petersen | HFAG Average
15:20 | | Break |
Rare Charm Processes II |
Chair: E. Thorndike |
15:50 | E. Golowich | Mixing - Theory
16:20 | A. Petrov | CP violation in charm decay
16:45 | G. Mancinelli | Experimental Prospects for CPV and T Studies in Charm
17:10 | | Adjourn |
17:30 | | Reception at Red Barn |
Monday, August 6 |
8:00 |
Breakfast |
Rare Charm Processes III + Charmonium I |
Chair: A. Seiden |
8:30 |
B. Casey |
Rare D decays
9:00 |
H. Muramatsu |
Experimental results in charmonium decay from CLEO
9:20 |
R.-G. Ping |
Experimental results in charmonium decay from BES
9:40 |
Z. Metreveli |
Spectroscopy below open flavor threshold
10:00 |
Break |
Charmonium II |
Chair: K. Peters |
10:30 |
E. Eichten |
Charmonium above open flavor threshold
10:55 |
D. Kreinick |
Bottomonium results
11:15 |
B. McElrath |
Beyond the Standard Model
11:35 |
N. Brambilla |
Extraction of alpha_s and m_Q from onia
12:05 |
J. Dudek |
LQCD: What can lattice do for the onia?
12:30 |
Lunch (on your own) |
Hadronic Charm Meson Decays I |
Chair: R. Briere |
14:00 |
G. Rong |
BESII Charm hadronic decays
14:20 |
A. Ryd |
CLEO-c D and Ds hadronic decays
14:50 |
M. Pappagallo |
D and Ds branching fractions at B-factories
15:10 |
J. Rosner |
U-spin and extraction of strong phase
15:30 |
Break |
Hadronic Charm Meson Decays II |
Chair: R. Poling |
16:00 |
A. Bondar |
Dalitz + CP tagged Dalitz plots and gamma (phi3) extraction
16:30 |
E. White |
CLEO-c CP tagged Dalitz plots
16:50 |
B. Meadows |
pi-pi and K-pi S-wave at low energy (exp.)
17:10 |
S. Malvezzi |
K-matrix and Dalitz plots (FOCUS)
17:30 |
Adjourn |
Tuesday, August 7 |
8:00 | | Breakfast |
Leptonic and Semileptonic Decays I |
Chair: R. Patterson |
8:30 | C.-S. Park | Semileptonic D decays at ccbar threshold
8:50 | L. Widhalm | Leptonic and semileptonic D and D_s decays at B-factories
9:20 | S. Blusk | Leptonic D and D_s decays at ccbar threshold
9:40 | A. El-Khadra | Lattice determination of form factors and decay constants
10:10 | | Break |
Leptonic and Semileptonic Decays II |
Chair: Y.-F. Wang |
10:40 | E. Follana | Precision lattice calculation of D and D_s decay constants
11:00 | R. Hill | Semileptonic theory (non-Lattice)
11:30 | J. Wiss | Form factors in D->K*lnu and D->rholnu
11:50 | S. Jin | New results and prospects of light hadron spectroscopy
12:20 | | Lunch (on your own) |
Charm Baryons |
Chair: B. Yabsley |
14:00 | P. Cooper | Charm Baryons (exp.)
14:30 | X. Chai | New BABAR charmed baryons results
14:50 | H.-Y. Cheng | Charm Baryons (theory)
15:10 | | Adjourn |
15:30 | | Leave for hike and conference picnic |
Wednesday, August 8 |
8:30 | | Breakfast |
Charm Meson Spectroscopy |
Chair: N. Brambilla |
9:00 | M. Voloshin | Meson states (Conventional)
9:20 | A. Polosa | Meson states (Exotic), tetra-quarks, and hybrids
9:40 | J. Brodzicka | Meson states (Belle)
10:00 | A. Zghiche | Meson states (BABAR+CLEO-c)
10:25 | | Break |
Future Experimental Charm Facilities |
Chair: J. Alexander |
10:50 | Y.-F. Wang | BESIII status and schedule and physics potential
11:10 | D. Bettoni | PANDA status and plans
11:30 | P. Spradlin | LHC-b status and charm physics program
11:50 | D. Asner | Charm at Super-B or Super-flavor
12:10 | | Lunch (on your own) |
Panel Discussion |
Chair: B. Yabsley |
13:30 | | Panel Discussion |
15:00 | | Conference Conclusion |