University Consortium for Linear Collider R&D (UCLC)
UCLC ResearchTogether with LCRD, we are a consortium of groups from over 50 US universities, 7 national or industrial labs, and 23 foreign institutions engaged in R&D for an International Linear Collider. Our work covers both the detector and accelerator, and is coordinated by the American Linear Collider Physics Group and the Global Design Effort. Now available: A University Program of Accelerator and Detector Research for the International Linear Collider (vol. IV: 2006). This is a compilation of current and planned projects for 2006. Previous Years:
2003: A University Program of Accelerator and Detector Research for the International Linear Collider. Guidelines for Participants
Information about the 2006 proposal submission process is available for Accelerator and Detector projects. Contact Information
Useful linksAmerican Linear Collider Physics Group LCRD, the DOE counterpart to UCLC |
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