Welcome to the home page of the SRF 2005 workshop!

Arts Quad looking Northwest Source: University Photography

The 12th International Workshop on RF Superconductivity (SRF 2005) was held July 10 – 15, 2005 on the Cornell University campus, Ithaca, NY, USA.  More than 200 scientists and engineers from 14 countries participated in SRF2005 and made the workshop so successful.  The workshop was hosted by the Laboratory for Elementary-Particle Physics.

Continuing the tradition of eleven successful workshops starting in 1980, the 12th workshop covered the latest advances in the science, technology and applications of RF superconductivity to particle accelerators.  The program reviewed the status of applications in-stream as well as exciting prospects for the future.  As customary, there were invited review talks on many aspects of SRF technology, as well as two afternoon poster sessions for contributed papers. 

Steady advances in SRF science and technology are responsible for a spectacular increase in performance level since the large installations of the 1990’s.  Guided discussions on hot topics formed lively discussion sessions where the workshop participants heard about many new developments. A special session was devoted to doctoral dissertations on RF superconductivity topics and work of young researchers.  On the first day of the meeting there were tutorial sessions for newcomers on various aspects of the field.

Papers presented show that RF superconductivity has become an important technology for accelerators at the energy and luminosity frontiers as well as at the cutting edge of nuclear physics, basic materials and life sciences. There has been an explosion in the number of accelerator applications and in the number of laboratories engaged in the field.  We look forward to an exciting future.

Hasan Padamsee

Workshop Chairman


Physica C Logo There were total of 196 presentations during the workshop, including 9 plenary tutorials, 40 invited talks, 12 student presentations, and 135 poster presentations. 54 papers were selected for publication in the special issue of Physica C (Volume 441, Issues 1-2).

Every paper was reviewed by at least one referee, and in some cases two referees before it was accepted for publication in the journal. The electronic versions of the papers are available to subscribers via the journal web site. Copies of the special issue of Physica C are available from the workshop organizing committee for $35.00. The only available methods of payment are by check or money order. Please make payments to Cornell University.

The workshop Proceedings containing all submitted presentations are available online. The CD version of the Proceedings will be shipped to all registered participants in spring 2007.