Conference Program
Event | Date |
Comments/Questions: E-mail srf2005@lepp.cornell.edu | |
Welcome Reception | July 10th, 2005 |
Boat Tours | July 10th and 11th, 2005 |
Concert | July 12th, 2005 |
Tour of Watkins Glen and picnic | July 13th, 2005 |
Banquet | July 14th, 2005 |
CESR/SRF tours | July 15th, 2005 |
Call for abstracts
The online abstract submission for the SRF2005 Workshop is now closed as of June 15th, 2005.
Workshop site
The Workshop will be held on the Cornell University campus. Plenary sessions and tutorials will be held in the Olin Hall Auditorium (rm. 155). Parallel tutorials will be in the second floor Olin Hall Auditorium (rm. 255). Poster sessions and an industrial exhibition will be in the Willard Straight Hall Memorial Room. The workshop office (rm. 216), publication and registration office (rm. 128), and computer room (rm. 145) will be located in Olin Hall. Wireless internet access will be set up in Olin Hall.
Following the SRF2003 workshop, we decided to have tutorials for students and individuals new to the field of RF superconductivity. A special session, exclusively for tutorials, will take place in the Olin Hall Auditorium on Sunday from 9:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., with lunch break from noon till 2:00 p.m.
Plenary Sessions
Plenary sessions will be held in the Olin Hall Auditorium on Monday (all day) and in the morning on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. The morning sessions will start at 8:30 a.m. and end at approximately noon. The Monday afternoon session will start at 2:00 p.m. and end at 5:30 p.m.
Poster Sessions
Two poster sessions are scheduled for Tuesday and Thursday afternoon from 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. in the Willard Straight Hall Memorial Room. Posters must be mounted half an hour before the poster session begins, attended through at least the major part of the session, and removed immediately after the end of each session. Workshop staff will be available prior to each poster session to assist authors.
Poster Guidelines are now available. Please read this if you are presenting a poster.
Industrial Exhibition
An industrial exhibition will be open Tuesday and Thursday during poster sessions in the Willard Straight Hall Memorial Room.
PDF version of the Program
Sunday, July 10th
Time | Tutorials (155 Olin Hall)
Session Chair: M. Liepe (Cornell) Session secretaries: A. Romanenko (Cornell), M. Gusarova (MEPHI) |
Parallel Tutorials (255 Olin Hall)
Session Chair: J. Delayen (JLab) Session secretaries: G. Eremeev (Cornell), A. Dangwal (U. of Wuppertal) |
9:0AM-9:50AM | Basic Principles of SRF
K. Saito (KEK) |
- |
10:00AM-11:00AM | High-beta cavity design
S. Belomestnykh and V. Shemelin (Cornell) |
Low-beta superconducting cavity design
A. Facco (INFN-legnaro) |
11:00AM-12:00PM | High power input couplers for superconducting cavities
W.-D. Moeller (DESY) |
The Nb-oxide system
J. Halbritter (Karlsruhe) |
12:00PM-1:30PM | Lunch (on your own) | |
Session Chair: A. Facco (INFN-Legnaro) Session secretaries: E. Watson (Cornell), P. Sekalski (DMCS-TUL / DESY) |
Parallel Tutorials (255 Olin Hall)
Session Chair: K. Saito (KEK) Session secretaries: J. Silterra (Cornell), D. Tonini (INFN-LNL) |
1:30PM-2:20PM | Ponderomotive instabilities and microphonics
J. Delayen (JLab) |
Cleanliness techniques
D. Reschke (DESY) |
2:30PM-3:30PM | Theory and practice of cavity test systems
T. Powers (JLab) |
Cryomodule design, assembly and alignment
C. Pagani (DESY / INFN-Milano |
3:30PM-4:00PM | Transport to Cayuga Lake | |
4:00PM-6:00PM | Boat tour on Cayuga Lake | |
6:00PM-6:30PM | Transport to Cornell | |
6:30PM-9:30PM | Welcome Reception (Willard Straight Memorial Room) |
Monday, July 11th 2005
Plenary Workshop Opening (155 Olin Hall) Session Chair: D. Proch (DESY) Session secretaries: B. Stuhl (Cornell), Z. Conway (U. of Illinois Urbana-Champaign) |
9:00AM-9:10AM | Welcome M. Tigner (Cornell) |
9:10AM-9:25AM | Logisitcs S. Belomestnykh (Cornell) |
9:25AM-10:00AM | Introduction – Two hectic years: A quick preview
H. Padamsee (Cornell) |
New Projects In-Stream
Session Chair: C. Pagani (DESY / INFN-Milano) Session secretaries: R. Calaga (BNL), M. Delheusy (Max-Planck-Institute fuer Metallforschung / CEA) |
10:00AM–10:30AM | Status of SNS
I. Campisi (ORNL/SNS) |
10:30AM–11:00AM | Coffee break |
11:00AM–11:30AM | Experience with the TESLA Test Facility
L. Lilje (DESY) |
11:30AM–12:00PM | A 100 MV cryomodule for CW operation
C. Reece (JLab) |
12:00PM–12:30PM | SRF in storage rings
M. Pekeler (ACCEL) |
12:30PM–2:00PM | Lunch (on your own) |
Advances in SRF Technology - I Session Chair: K. Shepard (ANL) Session secretaries: P. Quigley (Cornell), M. Souli (IPN Orsay) |
2:00PM–2:20PM | Structures for RIA and FNAL proton driver
M. Kelly (ANL) |
2:20PM–2:35PM | SPIRAL-2 resonators
G. Devanz (CEA-Saclay) |
2:35PM–2:50PM | The HW resonators in Juelich
R. Stassen (FZ-Juelich) |
2:50PM–3:05PM | QWR Nb sputtering
A. Porcellato (INFN-legnaro) |
3:05PM–3:20PM | Superconducting RFQs
G. Bisoffi (INFN-Legnaro) |
3:20PM–3:35PM | Recent progress in the superconducting RF program at TRIUMF/ISAC
R. Laxdall (TRIUMF) |
3:35PM–3:50PM | Coffee break |
Session Chair: L. Lilje (DESY) Session secretaries: J. Sears (Cornell), H. Jenhani (LAL Orsay) |
3:50PM–4:10PM | Test results of beta<1 superconducting elliptical cavities: Experience and lessons learned
J. Ozelis (JLab) |
4:10PM – 4:30PM | Physical and mechanical properties of single and large crystal high-RRR niobium
G. Myneni (JLab) |
4:30PM – 4:45PM | Performance of large grain and single crystal niobium cavities
P. Kneisel (JLab) |
4:45PM – 5:05PM | Seamless RF cavities
W. Singer (DESY) |
5:05PM – 5:25PM | 20 years of experience with the Nb/Cu technology for superconducting cavities and perspectives for future developments
S. Calatroni (CERN) |
5:25PM – 5:45PM | High-Tc: New developments & progress on understanding the mechanisms and hope for the future
T. Tajima (LANL) |
5:30PM – 6:00PM | Transport to Cayuga Lake |
6:00PM – 7:30PM | First Boat Tour |
7:30PM – 9:00PM | Second Boat Tour |
Tuesday, July 12th 2005
Basic SRF Topics (155 Olin Hall) Session Chair: P. Kneisel (JLab) Session secretaries: M. Souli (IPN Orsay), M. Meidlinger (MSU) |
8:30AM – 9:00AM | Theoretical advances in SRF
A. Gurevich (University of Wisconsin) |
9:00AM -9:20AM | Q-drop: An analysis starting from elementary fundamental theory
E. Palmieri (INFN-Legnaro) |
9:20AM -9:50AM | Review of Frontier Workshop and Q-slope results
G. Ciovati (JLab) |
9:50AM – 10:10AM | Review of new shapes for higher gradients
R. Geng (Cornell) |
10:10AM – 10:30AM | Coffee break |
10:30AM – 1:00PM | Students/Young Researchers Session Chair: E. Palmieri (INFN-Legnaro) Session secretaries: S. Musser (MSU), H. Jiang (MSU) |
10:30AM – 10:45AM | High-current SRF cavity design
D. Meidlinger (MSU) |
10:45AM – 11:00AM | Mechanical properties of spoke cavities
Z. Conway (Argonne) |
11:00AM – 11:15AM | ERL cavity for high currents
R. Calaga (BNL) |
11:15AM – 11:30AM | New results on "high-field Q-slope"
G. Eremeev (Cornell) |
11:30AM – 11:45AM | 3.9 GHz deflecting mode cavity
T. Koeth (Fermilab) |
11:45AM – 12:00PM | Surface studies of niobium chemically polished under conditions for SRF cavity production
H. Tian (JLab) |
12:00PM – 12:15PM | General automation of LLRF control for superconducting accelerators
A. Brandt (DESY) |
12:15PM – 12:30PM | New magnetron configurations for sputtered Nb onto Cu
G. Lanza (INFN-Legnaro) |
12:30PM – 12:45PM | A15 superconductors: Alternative to niobium for RF cavities
S. Deambrosis (INFN-legnaro) |
12:45PM – 1:00PM | Flux gate magnetometry applied to RF cavities
C. Bonavolonta (INFN-Legnaro) |
1:00PM – 1:15PM | Input coupler development for superconducting cavity 500 kW power feed
M. Gusarova (MEPHI) |
1:15PM – 1:30PM | Piezoelectric stack based system for Lorentz force compensation
P. Sekalski (DMCS-TUL / DESY) |
1:30PM – 2:15PM | Lunch (on your own) |
2:15PM – 5:15PM | Poster Session (Willard Straight Memorial Room) |
5:30PM – 7:00PM | Industrialization Symposium (155 Olin Hall) Organized by D. Proch (DESY) |
Part 1: Presentation of past, ongoing or planned laboratory activities for industrialization | |
a) Series manufacture of the LHC main dipole magnets: Notes about the CERN approach to industrial production
C. Wyss (CERN) |
Industrial involvement in planning for X-FEL (TESLA) - D. Proch (DESY) Industrialization process: Power couplers for XFEL project as an example - T. Garvey (IN2P3) XFEL-Cryomodule design & assembly Industrial studies - B. Petersen (DESY) |
c) Thoughts on Industrialization in Japan
H. Hayano (KEK) |
d) Industrialization SMTF/Fermilab View
N. Lockyer (University of Pennsylvania) |
e) Comments by industry
all |
Part 2: Presentation/information about existing "Industry Forum" | |
a) Linear Collider forum of Japan
N. Nishi (LCF of Japan) |
b) European SCRF Forum
M. Peiniger (ACCEL) |
c) Linear Collider Forum of America
T. Favale (AES) |
Part 3: Open discussion about best coordinated way to industrialization of SRF technology | |
Contributions by industry and laboratory partners | |
Part 4: Conclusions and outlook | |
7:30PM | Free Concert (Performing Arts Center) |
Wednesday, July 13th 2005
Moderated Discussions on Hot Topics (155 Olin Hall) Session secretaries: D. Tonini (INFN-LNL), D. Meidlinger (MSU) |
8:30AM – 9:30AM | Topic 1: High-field Q-slope
Moderator: P. Kneisel (JLab) High field Q-slope & oxigen diffusion - B. Visentin (Saclay) Evidence of non-linear BCS resistance in multi-lab cavity data to model comparison - P. Bauer (FNAL) Analysis of baked cavities - D. Reschke (DESY) New Q slope @ low field - F. Furuta (KEK) |
9:30AM – 10:30AM | Topic 2: Surface Measurements
Moderator: C. Antoine (CEA-Saclay) Study of the use of vacuum baking in the reduction of surface oxide in niobium and a method to maintain it - J. Kaufman (Cornell) Dynamic SIMS G. Myneni (JLab) Surface Science Lab (SSL) of JLab - A. Wu (JLab) Atom-probe tomographic analyses of niobium superconducting RF cavity materials - D. Seidman (Northwestern University) SXRD in-situ investigation of the O/Nb(110) interface - M. Delheusy (MPI stuttgart, DAPNIA/CEA Saclay) |
10:30AM -11:00AM | Coffee break |
11:00AM – 12:30PM | Topic 3: Spoke vs Elliptical cavities for beta = 0.5
Moderator: F. Krawczyk (LANL) Triple-spoke compared with elliptical-cell cavities - K. Shepard (ANL) Elliptical cavities: Proven SRF option - T. Grimm (MSU) Spokes vs. elliptical cavities for the Proton Driver linac - G. W. Foster (FNAL) |
12:30PM – 2:00PM | Lunch (on your own) |
2:00PM – 5:00PM | Watkins Glenn Outing |
6:00PM – 8:30PM | Taughannock State Park: Barbeque/Volleyball/Badminton/Frisbee |
Thursday, July 14th 2005
Advances in SRF Technology - II (155 Olin Hall) Session Chair: S. Noguchi (KEK) Session secretaries: J. Silterra (Cornell), P. Sekalski (DMCS-TUL / DESY) |
8:30AM–9:00AM | Superconducting RF Test Facility (STF) in KEK
H. Hayano (KEK) |
9:00AM–9:30AM | Planning for the new linear collider test facility at FNAL & progress on 3.9 GHz SRF (or Do we have a plan?)
H. Edwards (Fermilab) |
9:30AM-10:00AM | Review of various approaches to address high currents in SRF electron linacs
I. Ben-Zvi (BNL) |
10:00AM–10:30AM | CW and pulsed power couplers - Design and performance review
T. Garvey (LAL-Orsay) |
10:30AM–11:00AM | Coffee break |
Session Chair: I. Ben-Zvi (BNL) Session secretaries: A. Romanenko (Cornell), Z. Conway (U. of Illinois Urbana-Champaign) |
11:00AM–11:20AM | Advances in electromagnetic modeling through high performance computing
K. Ko (SLAC) |
11:20AM–11:40AM | Review on superconducting RF guns
D. Janssen (FZ-Rossendorf) |
11:40AM–12:00PM | Review of slow and fast tuners
S. Simrock (DESY) |
12:00PM–12:20PM | Review on progress in RF control systems
M. Liepe (Cornell) |
12:20PM–12:40PM | Crab cavity development
K. Hosoyama (KEK) |
12:40PM–1:00PM | Summary of Industrialization Symposium
D. Proch (DESY) |
1:00PM–2:00PM | Lunch (on your own) |
2:00PM–5:30PM | Poster Session (Willard Straight Memorial Room) |
6:00PM–7:00PM | Reception at Johnson Art Museum |
7:00PM–10:00PM | Banquet at Statler Hotel |
Friday, July 15th 2005
\Future Facilities (155 Olin Hall) Session Chair: N. Lockyer (University of Pennsylvania) Session secretaries: G. Eremeev (Cornell), M. Delheusy (Max-Planck-Institute fuer Metallforschung / CEA) |
8:30AM – 8:55AM | The Rare Isotope Accelerator (RIA) project
R. York (MSU) |
8:55AM – 9:20AM | SCRF Proton Driver
W. Foster (Fermilab) |
9:20AM -9:45AM | The SPIRAL2 project at GANIL
M. Di Giacomo (GANIL) |
9:45AM – 10:10AM | ERL workshop review
M. Dykes (ASTeC Daresbury) |
10:10AM – 10:35AM | Future FEL's
J. Corlett (Berkley) |
10:35AM – 11:00AM | The European XFEL project
K. Floettmann (DESY) |
11:00AM – 11:15AM | Coffee break |
ILC fest
Session Chair: H. Edwards Session secretaries: B. Stuhl (Cornell), E. Watson (Cornell) |
11:15PM – 11:30PM | Accelerator physics challenges of the International Linear Collider
G. Dugan (Cornell) |
11:30PM – 12:00PM | The ILC - Challenges of International Collaboration
M. Tigner (Cornell) |
12:00PM – 12:30PM | GDE expectations from the SRF community
B. Barish (Caltech) |
12:30PM – 1:00PM | Awards/Closing |
1:00PM – 3:00PM | Lunch (on your own) |
3:00PM – 5:00PM | CESR/SRF Tours (on request) |
Breakfast will be provided Monday through Friday starting at 7:45AM.