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Paper Title: Coherent Dipole Synchro-Betatron Beam-Beam Modes in Asymmetric Ring Colliders
Primary Author: A.A. Valishev
Institution: Budker Institute for Nuclear Physics, 630090, Novosibirsk, Russia
Secondary Authors and Institutions: E.A. Perevedentsev
Working Groups Collective Effects (BBI, ECI, ions etc.)
Following the work by K.Hirata and E.Keil [NIM A292 (1990), p.156] we study the coherent dipole beam-beam effects in asymmetric two-ring colliders and take into consideration the synchro-betatron beam-beam modes. The effect of this two-stream interaction on the density of resonances in the tune diagram is shown for the case of different ring circumferences, resulting in reduction of the available tune space.