23rd Advanced ICFA Beam Dynamics Workshop on High Luminosity e+e- Colliders

Cornell University

Ithaca, NY

October 15-19, 2001

List of Submitted Papers
Workshop Computer Facillity Information



Working Groups


Abstract and Paper Submission

Conference proceedings are now available online.

 This workshop, sponsored by the International Committee for Future Accelerators (ICFA) and Cornell University, will review recent experience, discuss current trends, and explore the future of circular colliders.  Representatives from the current generation of e+ e- colliders will review their perceptions from commissioning and operation.  Participants will discuss issues relating to performance improvements of circular colliders over the short-term.  The workshop will address the long-term future by exploring avenues to the world's next generation of circular e+ e- machines.  The format of the workshop will be approximately half plenary sessions and half working groups.

 Information concerning the workshop schedule, registration, accommodations, and working groups can be found by following the links above. For further information, please contact David Rice at workshop@lns.cornell.edu.

Workshop Poster (200 kB jpeg)



CESR ring

Cornell Lab of Nuclear Studies

For input or questions on the webpage, please contact: Mike Forster