23rd Advanced ICFA Beam Dynamics Workshop on High Luminosity e+e- Colliders

Cornell University

Ithaca, NY

October 15-19, 2001

List of Submitted Papers
Workshop Computer Facillity Information



Working Groups


Abstract and Paper Submission

Factories 2001 Computers

Introduction to computing facilities

Cornell's Laboratory of Nuclear Studies is providing computer facilities in Ramada Inn's Boardroom 2 for use while you attend the Factories 2001 Workshop

The Ramada Inn's Boardrooms are located on the 2nd floor. We expect that the rooms will be available from Sunday evening through 10AM Friday morning.

In Boardroom 2 we are providing several PCs and Macintosh systems plus connections for several wired (10Mbit twisted-pair ethernet) and wireless (IEEE 802.11b) laptops. This room also has a black-and-white printer.

The wireless network will probably be usable in other rooms near Boardroom 2.

If you are presenting a talk at the workshop, please consult with your assigned Scientific Secretary for any additional facilities you may need.



CESR ring

Cornell Lab of Nuclear Studies

For input or questions on the webpage, please contact: Mike Forster