23rd Advanced ICFA Beam Dynamics Workshop on High Luminosity e+e- Colliders

Cornell University

Ithaca, NY

October 15-19, 2001

List of Submitted Papers
Workshop Computer Facillity Information



Working Groups


Abstract and Paper Submission

Please provide the following information in an email message to Workshop@lns.cornell.edu:

Factories 2001 Contributed Paper Abstract

Title of paper:

Primary Author:


Secondary Author(s) and institutions if different from primary author:

Select working group for paper presentation:

  • Collective Effects (BBI, ECI, ions etc.)
  • RF & Feedback (including single beam instabilities)
  • IR (background, magnets) & Optics
  • Operations, reliability, instrumentation & injection


Paper length:

There is no limit on the number of pages of contributed papers.  Presentation in the working group session will be scheduled by the working group chair, and should be expected to be between 15 and 30 minutes in length, depending on the number of papers to be presented.  PDF file length should be less than 2 Mbytes.

Paper format:

Papers should follow the format from JACoW (Joint Accelerator Conference Website).  Templates are available on the web at  http://www.aps.anl.gov/conferences/mirrored/accelconf.web.cern.ch/accelconf/templates.html .

Paper submission:

Publication will be on CD-ROM in pdf format.  The following submissions are required for each paper:
  • A disk file in source format (MS Word or LaTeX with EPS figures).
  • A disk file of the paper in postscript or pdf format
  • A paper copy for confirmation of final appearance
  • A description of the platform on which the paper was prepared.

The files should be uploaded by FTP. Please be sure that all the files have the proper file extensions: *.doc for MS Word, *.tex for LaTeX, *.ps for postscript, *.pdf for Acrobat portable document format. Use the extension .txt for a file describing your computer type, operating system, and version of word processing program if used, and also indicate the working group in which the paper will be presented.


The following FTP account had mistakenly expired in January. It has now been restored and should be working correctly.

  1. Using an FTP client, connect to the node LNS62.LNS.CORNELL.EDU with account WKSHPFTP and password JUST4WORK
  2. Upload files for each paper. For the file name use your first (given) name initial and last (family) name, followed by a sequence number for each paper you submit. For example, if David Rice submitted 3 papers, the last would have the files:
    drice3.doc (or drice3.tex)
    drice3.pdf (or drice3.ps)
    where the last (.txt) file should contain the following information :
    PAPER AUTHOR (full name)
    COMPUTER (e.g., HP Pavilion 9870, imac)
    OPERATING SYSTEM (e.g., Mac OS8.4, Windows 2000)
    DOCUMENT EDITOR & VERSION (e.g., MS Word 97)
  3. Send email to workshop@lns.cornell.edu with the same information contained in the .txt file described above. This alerts us in case there is a problem with the file uploading process. NOTE: You will not be able to view the directory or download files from the WKSHPFTP directory.



CESR ring

Cornell Lab of Nuclear Studies

For input or questions on the webpage, please contact: Mike Forster