Family (last) name:
Given (first) name and middle initial:
Mailing address:
Email address:
Registration fees -
Conference registration ($180) $______
Social hour and Banquet ($50) $______
Registration fee options - payment must be made in US dollars:
1) Mail registration with check or money order made out to "Cornell University"
2) Pay at the workshop - Sunday evening or Monday morning. Payment options
at the workshop are: a) cash ($US only) b) check or money order
c) credit card (Visa, MasterCard, AMEX, Discover or Novus)
We can not accept credit card payments in advance of the workshop..
Which working group(s) will you be attending?
___ Collective effects
___ RF&Feedback
___ IR&Optics
___ Operations, Instrumentation, Injection
If you are planning on contributing papers, please list titles and relevant working groups here:
To submit registration by email, please copy the above registration
form (the text between horizontal lines), and paste into a message to Monica
Wesley, You may edit the
form in your email program to add the required information.
Mailing address: | Ms. Monica Wesley 130 Newman Laboratory Cornell University Ithaca, NY 14853-5001 USA |
Fax: Phone: |
+1 607 254-4552 +1 607 255-4952 |
* Registration fee includes breaks and lunches Monday -Thursday and Friday morning break, Monday evening reception, workshop proceedings on CD-rom, plus miscellaneous workshop expenses.
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