Letters of Recommendation
If you have asked for a letter of recommendation, and I have agreed to write one, please do the following:
(1) Try to convince your contacts to let me submit your letters on-line.
(2) For those institutions where I cannot submit on-line, please put an addressed envelope and all required paperwork into my mailbox in the 1st floor of Newman Lab. The envelope should be stamped and include my return address as listed below.
(3) Please include a transcript, an unofficial version is sufficient. Annotate the transcript to indicate honors and graduate classes, specify the median grades available at http://registrar.sas.cornell.edu/Student/mediangradesA.html, comment on particularly good or relevant grades, and explain particularly good grades. Include courses taken this term for which grades have not yet been given.
(4) Provide a resume, listing major(s), minor(s), concentration(s), GPA, all relevant research, work and other experience, and significant extracurricular activities. For each listed research, work or extracurricular activity, give start date and end date, and time commitment per week averaged over that period. Please include full contact information including cell phone number, in case I have questions.
(5) Please provide email and phone of your academic adviser and any research supervisors. |