TPC - Cornell Advanced Endplate Page
This work is supported in part by the United States National Science Foundation.

This work is in collaboration with LCTPC.
This is a list of LCTPC collaborators (to be updated).

20132-05-17 LCTPC LP2 endplate: install mounting bracket
step 1
Insert lower-left corner first.
(Lower-right corner has extra chamfer visible.)
step 2
Insert upper-left corner with lower-left futher in.
step 3
With lower-left corner ~1.5cm into volume,
insert lower-right corner.
step 4
Slip Lower-right corner under the space-frame brack-plate.
Move Lower-left corner out of volume to ~1cm above main plate.
Upper-left corner is ~1.5cm above main plate.
Insert upper-right corner.
step 5
Mounting Bracket drops into position.

2012-01-11 LCTPC LP2 endplate

LP2 main plate
LP2 main plate figure

main plate STEP file

main plate drawing

LP1 for comparison

LP2 assembly
LP2 assembly figure

STEP file from assembly

error in step file

DWF file from assembly
(This is for Autodesk design review)
LP2 solid model
LP2 solid model figure

STEP file from solid model
LP2 equivalent plates model

reduced weight backframe with mounting bracket

STEP file, backframe

drawing, backframe, pdf

drawing, backframe, idw

reduced weight backframe
20120308: Horizontal clearance at the location indicated is 198.23mm.

2010-10-29 ILD endplate study
After all the problems with the ILD endplate model have been resolved, this is the ILD assembly figure.

2010-09-23 ILD endplate study
This is the STEP file from 2010-07-01; it is 16MB.
This is the attempt to build the ILD model with "realistic" struts. The model has struts only in the outer ring. With any more struts than this, the FEA is unstable.

2010-05-26 ILD endplate study
Added Back-Disk and outer ring of struts.
The module widths are slightly changed in each row; areas are now betwen 96% and 101% of the LP1 module area. Starting angles be adjusted to minimize the lining-up of boundaries in adjacent layers.
Total thickness is 100mm. The finite element analysis crashes; I will have to simplify the model for the FEA.

2010-05-21 ILD endplate study
A model has been started with LP1-size modules. So-far, it is without the space-frame support.
The result of Finite Element Analysis is shown in the figure. The total load in the analysis is 100N. This is the same total force value I was using for the LP1 tests. It should be scaled up by a factor of 22 (the ratio of the area of ILD to LP1) for 2mbar pressure. The deflection is (2.3mm x 22)= 50mm.

