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Tuesday, July 15

Several events are planned as a part of "Technology Week" for the Cornell University Summer Day Camp.

9:00 AM - Science Show - Grades 3-8.

9:45 AM - CESR and CLEO tour - Grades 5-8.

Workshop participants, Come help put on the Science Show!

Wednesday, July 16

1:10 PM - What is the Linear Collider?
Speaker: Prof. Rick van Kooten, Indiana University
Location: Clark 701

A lunchtime talk for high school science teachers and undergraduates. Participants will come from the Cornell Institute for Physics Teachers, from several "Research Experience for Teachers" programs and from the lab's "Research Experience for Undergraduates" program.

1:50 - 2:15 PM - Dessert and mingling

Workshop participants, Come listen to the talk and mingle with the science students and teachers afterward. Tell them about our science, or ask your own questions of the teachers!

For more information, contact

Jim Alexander (jima@mail.lepp.cornell.edu) or
Lora Hine (lkh24@mail.lepp.cornell.edu)

Updated May 22, 2003.