Dissertations from the SRF Group
PhD Dissertations
2022: Thomas Oseroff: ADVANCING A SUPERCONDUCTING SAMPLE HOST CAVITY AND ITS APPLICATION FOR STUDYING PROXIMITY-COUPLED NORMAL LAYERS IN STRONG MICROWAVE FIELDS 2022: Pete Koufalis, FIELD AND FREQUENCY DEPENDENCE OF THE SURFACE RESISTANCE OF SUPERCONDUCTING MICROWAVE RESONATORS FOR PARTICLE ACCELERATORS 2021: Ryan Porter, ADVANCING THE MAXIMUM ACCELERATING GRADIENT OF NIOBIUM-3 TIN SUPERCONDUCTING RADIOFREQUENCY ACCELERATOR CAVITIES: RF MEASUREMENTS, DYNAMIC TEMPERATURE MAPPING, AND MATERIAL GROWTH 2019: James Maniscalco, Studies of the Field-Dependent Surface Resistance of Nitrogen-Doped Niobium for Superconducting Accelerators 2017: Daniel Hall, New Insights into the Limitations on the Efficiency and Achievable Gradients in Nb3Sn SRF Cavities 2016: Dan Gonnella, The Fundamental Science of Nitrogen-Doping of Niobium Superconducting Cavities 2014: Samuel E. Posen, Understanding and Overcoming Limitation Mechanisms in NB3SN Superconducting RF Cavities 2013: Nicholas R.A. Valles, Pushing the Frontiers of Superconducting Radio Frequency Science: From the Temperature Dependence of the Superheating Field of Niobium to Higher-Order Mode Damping in Very High Quality Factor Accelerating Structures2012: Yi Xie, Development of Superconducting RF Sample Host Cavities and Study of Pit-Induced Cavity Quench
2009: Olexander Romanenko, Surface Characterization of Nb Cavity Sections - Understanding the High Field Q-Slope
2008: Grigory Eremeev, Study of the High Field Q-Slope Using Thermometry
2004: Gregory Werner, Probing and Modeling Voltage Breakdown in Vacuum
1997: Jens Knobloch, Advanced Thermometry Studies of Superconducting Radio-Frequency Cavities
1996: Walter Hartung, The Interaction Between a Beam and a Layer of Microwave-Absorbing Material
1993: Joel Graber High Power RF Processing Studies of 3 GHz Niobium Superconducting Accelerator Cavities
1982: Kathleen Kraft, Thermal Conductivity of Nb and Thermal Breakdown
1988: Fred Palmer, Microwave Surface Residual Resistance
1978: Jim Stimmel, Nb3Sn for SRF Cavities