Table of Contents
Mon AM Plenary
DAFNE Status Report
M. Boscolo
KEKB Accelerator Physics Report
Y. Funakoshi
CESR Accelerator Physics Report
D. Rubin
PEP-II Accelerator Physics Report
U. Wienands
Mon PM Plenary
BINP Accelerator Physics Report
I. Koop
LEP Accelerator Physics Report
(Viewgraphs - presented by R. Talman)
M. Lamont
An e+e- Collider in a VLHC Tunnel
T. Sen
BEPC Accelerator Physics Report
C. Zhang
Wed AM Plenary
Accelerator Maintenance for High Reliability
R. Erickson
Report from the Two-Stream Instabilities Workshop at KEK
J. Flanagan
e+e- Physics Overview
M. Neubert
Perpectives on Higher Luminosity B Factories
J. Seeman
Collective Effects (& Beam-Beam)
Simulation of the beam-beam effects in e+e- storage rings with a method of reduced region of mesh
(Published in APS/PRSTAB)
Y. Cai
Wake Field of the e-Cloud and Effects of the e-Cloud and CSR on the Upgrade of the PEP-II
S. Heifets
A Survey of Beam-beam Effects at CESR
M. Palmer
Beam-Beam Stability in Electron-Positron Storage Rings
B. Schmekel
Recent Measurements of the Beam-Beam Interaction at PEP-II
J. Seeman
Beam-Beam Compensation: Status of the Tevatron Studies and Possibilities for e+e- Colliding Rings
V. Shiltsev
Specific Luminosity Limit of e+e- Colliding Rings
(Cornell note CLNS 01/1764)
R. Talman
Coherent Synchro-Betatron Beam-Beam Modes: Experiment & Simulation
A. Valishev
Coherent Dipole Synchro-Betatron Beam-Beam Modes in Asymmetric Ring Coll
A. Valishev
IR and Optics
Effects of Non Linear Elements on Backgrounds at DAFNE
M. Boscolo
Beam-beam effects observed at the KEKB
Y. Funakoshi
Linear Optics Verification for PEP-II using Model-Independent Analysis
Y. Yan
Linear Lattices: Diagnostics & Correction
D. Sagan
RF and Feedback
Impedance Measurement at KEKB
T. Ieiri
Operations, Injection, Instrumentation
Touscheck Beam Lifetime in the PEP-II Low Energy Ring
U. Wienands
Beta Function Measurement in Lattices with 90-Degree Sections
U. Wienands
Working Group Summaries
IR/Optics & Injection/Operations/Reliability working group summary
U. Wienands
IR/Optics & Injection/Operations/Reliability working group summary
Y. Funakoshi
Collective Effects & RF/Feedback Working Group Summary
V. Shiltsev
Index of (Participants and) Authors
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